claudio, my vivid was about 100 grams heavier than your estimate… but it was one of the first hulls I made. we’ll see how this one fares in the weight department. I’m going to try my hand at peel ply on the hull…
it depends on how many layers you used and what is the hull surface.
In principle the quantity of resin is where the excess of weight is met.
The the brush shall be just used to impregnate the tissue. No brilliant surface shall be seen.
no doubt it is very easy to over apply resin… but in the same token, its also very easy to under apply or squeegee out too much and end up with pinholes thin spots…
still some time away from from worrying about that though…
Made some headway
Currently have one hull on…
so I did three layers of cloth. total cloth weight was 7 ounces. ended up using 9 pumps of west (9 ounces by weight wt)
current weight with some minor trimming is 335 grams… or 11.8 ounces a fair amount of west ended up on the build board (dripping from spatula) …should be able to get under 300 easy. but no chance of getting under 200. I’m going to lay up another hull when I get some real peel ply. and go with my 2 2 1 ounce layers of cloth and see how it goes. this hull was the 5 2 1 cloth layers, like vivid… i just fear that the hull will too flimsy with the lighter cloth…
275 grams. with an open bow and open transom the hull is one meter long from tip of the bow to the transom. Yes I know it only needs to be 990. right now I’m just trying to get everything leveled out. sheer line, plumb transom, ect… the bow may get raked a bit more aft…
I’d like to do a peaked fore deck and an open transom. But there is something to be said about the ease of making a flat fiberglass deck. also, with the open transom it makes space much tighter behind the keel box for electronics and such (which will get taken from my Vivid hull…
I did notice that the sheer line on the RG is much lower in the aft portion of the hull than the IOM hull. which means I could trim that as well.
if the next hull come out lighter/better, ect. the first hull may just be the “prototype test fit hull” Ie make my mistakes on that one… the IOM with its RG65 little brother on top all sitting on the woody IOM that going to come off the board and get made into a hull as well…
ok so I have been worry about the peaked foredeck, to get it to work I’m going to need to trim the sheerline
inthe first picture the red line is the existing sheer line. solid black lines are new hull lines. only changing the sheer and foredeck.
blue are proposed servo locations. forward sail servo allows nearly 9" of travel aft location only allows 7" rudder servo is further aft. green lines are keel trunk mast step. Orange lines are proposed after deck area.
in esterel1 you can see it a bit better. but I’m not real happy with the way the very aft end of the transom looks. one option is Esterel transom 2
i’m torn…
Hi Marc,
probably I lost something in this tread.
Your pictures show two hulls, one apparently is an RG 65 and the other a IOM.
What is the relationship between the two ?
In the RG65 I would choose a drum winch type Eurgle or similar without peaked deck.
the rg is the last esterel hull I pulled before I destroyed the plug. no relation to the IOM except being its little brother
I’m still using the carbon fiber esterelrg65 with an arm winch. works fine… I’ve had it bow down a few times and I really think it would benefit from a slight peak to help it come back back up straight…
that last RG hull is going to be, I hope, my test bed for another wing… I have also played with your lines some and narrowed up the transom for another go round on a skinnier version of the esterel
but the IOM look rather similar !
The rg hull pictured the regular width esterel. I have not built the skinny esterel yet…I need to fabricate some fiberglass or Kevlar panels to make it…
I didn’t express myself well : Is the IOM is a sort of RG65 stretched, from pics posted look very similar ?
to be honest claudio its your design… i had asked you for an IOM esterel and you drew it up for me… so I’m not sure how you did it…
three hulls pulled…
hull to the right is the first one. currently fully trimmed and 95% sanded 245 grams
middle hull is hull #2 has some blue dye added to the resin and is only two layers of glass. 225 grams no trim or sand
left hull is #3 hull normal three layers, but did a better job of resin management. 285 grams no trim…
in hulls #2 and #3 I uses some dacron peel ply from Aircraft spruce. Not totally pleased with the end result. Hull #1 I used some dacron sail cloth I had laying around and it worked better…
Hi Marc,
sorry I have totally forgot the event and no traces in my files, was very special order …!!!
here it is if you want a better version hit me up off line and I can email you one with better definition
So made a plug for the fore deck and also working on a plug for the cockpit
Did some more work over the holidays. I’m ready to bond the keel trunk to the hull and then work on the interior equipment layout… have the foredeck and cockpit rough cut and within a few mm of the final shape. Pulled three hulls. The plug is still stable. But I need the build space so I’m in the process of removing the plug hull from the building board. It should be a viable balsa core hull if I’m careful.
had to reload thepics
critical stage… alignment prior to bonding…
so this pic is of the electronics inside, and no deck. but I have bonded the cockpit area to the hull. It always amazes me how much the hulls stiffen up once you put the deck on.
I’m a 635 grams, that includes servos, cockpit (bonded) and foredeck(loose) so on target to be a similar weight as my vivid or my lintel.
hope to get it squared away in the next couple weeks so I can get it measured prior to March.