Volvo ocean race game

Did everyone lose interest??
“Womble Inn” finished last night in 131st…could have been in the top 20 but made an error in judgment on saturday night.
never mind you live and learn.
Young Robert skippered “Shinzo” to 184th place.

fair winds to all still on the course.

No lack of interest!!!
Been working HARD!!!
Rohar 2936 15D 7H 50M
Glass Petrel 9508 16D 6H 10M
Roharl 11237 16D 7H 40M

I worked hard for those. Both GP and Roharl ran aground on Capo Frio and it took 2 hours to get them off and past!
Free Advice::: Study the islands and peninsulars carefully beforehand on Google Earth!
Not boasting, but proud of myself.

Saw Green Dragon hauled out of Boston Harbor yesterday, and about the same time my 2nd boat finished.

All I can assume is the 6th leg destroyed the morale of the fleet.
(Especially once we made the turn at Cape Horn and everything went to hell.)

Hey gang - what is the trick to be able to sail around after you’ve finished? I have the “Congrats” screen over the boat controls and can’t go join any of the after race races.

Matt - on Pokyboat

Ahhh. I found out you can’t sail around after you finish. I’ll need another boat for the next leg!

Well, is everybody just champing at the bit to get going tomorrow? It looks like a steady upwind beat to the first NAGate.
Are all “Footyists” going to declare themselves for this Leg 7, so that we all may try to equal ‘Womble’?
Luck to all!

Seems all the footy sailors have lost interest.nevermind I have kept playing.
Womble is currently about 26 hrs from the finish in 146th place. easy run into the finish from here,just have to stay awake for all the subtle changes each wind square,trying hard to do better than 131st last time.
Some of these guys are dam good at this game.

Brett, you are doing so well my friend.
Russell and I are around the 26-32 thousand mark with our joint boats and I am just about last with “LittleBit” as I managed to run aground on some stupid island that some idiot left in the middle of the ocean. DUH! :lol:

Russell brought them both home last night.
“My Little Footy” 19451 th.
“Medication” 20264 th.

“LittleBit” still struggling in the middle of the Atlantic. :lol:

High drama in the lead group 1 am Sunday NZ time…forecast from Ugrib showed more pressure in the south than earlier predictions for the last few wind squares into Galway.
This opened up the possibility of sailing a more direct toute to the finish under code zero than previously thought.You could see the all the lead sailors not sure what to do.I took a gamble and dived south early and ended up with 5miles weather guage on the leading group …this allowed me to go from 150th to 80th in the final few hours.
Looking forward to some sleep…I got less than 6 hrs sleep in total from Thursday to the finish Sunday our time.
Thank goodness the remaining legs are shorter.

Well done Brett, what a great effort.
I am afraid I tend to leave “LittleBit” to its own devices for long lengths of time. Hence my lowly placing. Just had a surprise though, when I went to check it...... gained 122929 places. Yes thats right… one hundred and twenty two thousand nine hundred and twenty nine.
Bloody hell… excuse the language but WOW! :lol:

Hi Ian:

i just logged in at the race with my boat OYAKATTA. The thing is that I don´t were to head at!!. Please check my boat redirect me if possible.

I think it will take me many many days to handle all the features…but sure i will!!

And yessss it seesm addictive!!

Tato Lazo
CHI 272

You are headed in the right direction. Can you see a dootted line? Follow the line to your destination.

You are looking fine Tato.
There is not much you can do from the position you are now in, except head straight to the finish in Galway.
Just be a bit careful with the big spinnaker in strong winds.
I blew one out on My Little Footy.
If wind gets to 25-30 knots try changing to small spinnaker and see speed increase.
Infact try different sails and watch for speed change.
Good luck mate. I have added you as a friend. :zbeer:

LittleBit has finished in 70293 rd place.
I picked up a few more places over the last couple of days.
Stay with it, those who have yet to finish and good winds to you all. :rolleyes:

I managed:
Roharl #4938 7D 11 hrs 10 min
Rohar #6161 7D 11 hrs 50 min
Glass Petrel #6485 7D 12 hrs 0 min
I’m consistent, if nothing else

I went north after the leaders to get into better winds for the finishing run and then found that I crossed the 30 Nm circle—and nothing happened!
I did notice however that my finish positions improved markedly AFTER I was teleported to the finishing buoy, in one case by more than 100 positions. I interpret this to mean that my VMG was better than a lot of other boats.
In many ways, however, this was a rather boring Leg, with very few decisive moments, once you got past the NAGate 1.
The next two Legs should be more interesting, with a greater range of choices, and many islands to avoid. I’ve been Google Earth scanning the two routes and found an additional 7 islands to add to the 6 I knew about.

in regard to new island. I would imagine, that if it not on the VOR map then its not something we have to worry about… unless you end up with some bizarre wind shadows…

I’m just not SURE that an island that is not visible in the VORG chart cannot be run aground upon. There is the point that you may have to examine your future course at the highest magnification to see it. All sorts of boats have been CLAIMING to have run aground upon islands that they did not see. I think it’s a question that BIGAMIST may be able to answer.

I got an answer from Bigamist. He says that the VORG chart is obtained by scanning some other (unknown) chart, and that the VORG chart is greatly reduced from that original. Features such as islands, promontaries and rocks which were in the original are still in the VORG program, although they may not be visible in the VORG chart.
So you may still run aground on an ‘invisible island’.
My own solution to this problem in our virtual universe is to scan my possible courses with Google Earth, and then stay away from anything I could ground upon.
I just hope that any ‘virtuous sailor’ who knows of any such obstacle will notify the VORG world of its Lat-Long—and I truly hope that no-one will act the “Wrecker” to lure the unsuspecting vessel onto the rocks, to steal the Volvo car from off his deck.

France will be greatly disappointed. Someone had mistakenly persuaded them that they were NOT an ‘invisible island’.