trimaran plans?

can’t we all just get the F^%* along…

ernst, blofeld, diabled, whatever your name is…enough. glad you got you plans. now build your boat… I sent two emails to ernst, and never got any plans… so your happy I’m not he’s only batting 50% with getting plans out…

Dick is the mod…he calls like he sees it…he might as well be god with his finger on the button…

If you keep fanning the flames, chances are you’ll get a bucket of water dumped on you…and you’ll have to come back as someone else.

You got the moderator you deserve!

He and chad do a great job of keeping the forum up and running and making sure everyone minds their P’s and Q’s

Disabled. from your reaction to Dick Lemke’s ‘expose’ post I can only assume that you are indeed Ernst Zemann, aka ‘Idealist’.

I have no knowledge, or interest, in any history that might exist between Dick and you, but lets forget about Dick and consider the rest of us who participate on this forum; you deliberately set out to deceive us with your pretence.

Why not recover a little honour and apologise to us?


Hello Ray,

He may come from Austria, he can speak English, BUT, the words “Honor” and “Apologize” are beyond his comprehension.

I remember him on this Forum years ago, same old stuff, he has not changed with the passing of the years, perhaps he never will.


Five socalled “facts” - four lies:
There have only been delivery troubles with Bill Hojnacki from Hawaii -
and due to this he received two boats for the prize of one.

Every other “trouble” only exists in the fantasy of Dick Lemke.

  1. There have never been any troubles with Marc Baldacchino.

  2. Correct.

  3. Ian Sammis bought all trimaran (parts) from Bill Hojnacki.
    There has never been any business between Ernst Zemann
    and Ian Sammis.
    But the two of them still chatted with each other in Dec.2008 - as can be seen here:

  4. There has never been any business with Lincoln Rowley.
    Only some free exchange of informations via email.
    Lincoln Rowley some day simply disappeared.

  5. Raphael Stargrove received his model for free, just as promised.
    He went to University after that. That´s why he disappeared.

All these “troubles” are “constructed” by Dick Lemke - simply not true.
And I don´t like injustice.
If you talk straight, I´ll talk straight - If you don´t, I won´t.

Ernst - you have received a PM reply to your PM to me.


EDIT: PS - stop the trolling !

post to disabled…

nobody here is going to use this forum… as an attack place… not dick not you not me…
this forum is for posting ideas. right or wrong. If i post an idea that I like. and nobody else likes… it is fine. they dont have to use it…
but nobody has the right to attack “me” .
you are welcome to come here and post ideas. and comment on posts. we welcome that. and this goes for everybody here. post what you do…
there are some stuff that dick does… that i dont agree with… but it works for him… and i dont attack him

please come here and post… all ideas are good…
but dont attack people


I have no way of knowing who might have lied to whom and, as I said previously, have no particular interest in knowing.

What I do know is that you lied to the members of this forum by creating a fictitious member, ‘Disabled’, and pretending to have no knowledge or experience in model sailing in order to, apparently, promote your own design.

You have seen fit to continue your spat with Dick Lemke but seem to have forgotton about the fact that you have lied to the rest of us and have chosen not to apologise.

I am forced to conclude that you are not honourable.


I have been attacked personally.
I have been discredited personally.
I am only asking for rehabilitation!

I have been banned - under my true name AND nickname - from this forum for telling the (uncomfortable) truth!
But the man who told definite LIES about me even became the moderator of this forum - instead of being banned himself!

I am a friendly and helpful person and I really would LOVE to share my knowledge and experience and discuss all aspects of rc-multihulls here!
But not this way.

My HONOR makes me HATE injustice and lies.
Therefore I also hate LIARS and COWARDS.

If Dick Lemke does not CONFESS his lies - and if his lies about me are not REMOVED from this forum entirely - this forum can be no place for me.
Rehabilitate me and my true name - IDEALIST - then I will apologize!
You have to give my HONOR back to me first!


He is now on my “Blocked Senders” list, just had an email from him using someone elses email address !!!.
I will keep blocking them no matter whos name he uses.

John. :mad:

So who is the troll now? - You are!

I just have to travel between home, workplace and my girlfriends home -
so of course I have different email- and IP-adresses -
as I´m using 3 different PCs.

My only intention is to get the whole affair straightened out.

Let me remind you (and readers) of undisputable facts - not conjecture or lies …

  1. You were originally banned from the forum under the name “Ernst” by Chad - forum owner and administrator.

  2. You returned and were again banned from the forum under the name “Idealist” by Chad - forum owner and administrator.

  3. I have not been a moderator here until 3 weeks ago when both Earl and I volunteered to assist Chad in managing/removing/blocking SPAM. This on-going post that has nothing to do with the forum topic/thread is quickly moving in the direction of SPAM.

So don’t blame me (personally) for your constant and on-going removal from this forum. “I” had nothing to do with your previous “block” and as you (and others are aware) you haven’t “yet” been blocked here - you’ve only been given a WARNING - which is also “fact” since you can continue to post.

As I said in my personal email to you -

  • play nice,
  • stay on the topic of the thread,
  • stop the trolling, and
  • put your “free plans” in the classified section if you want to promote yourself - regardless of “which name” you go by.

My apologies to the rest of you.


I still think this guy should build a mono (like a Footy) to start with and work his way up to trimaran. Sail the monohull boat while looking for plans or building something else. It’s a little late even now to start building a mono, since Spring is only weeks away.

Also consider the possibility that the model he looks for may not even exist unless he designs it for himself.

So you don`t even have the guts to denie you have lied to ALL forumusers -
no matter if as “private person” or as a moderator.
You want to continue your lies and don´t dare to tell the truth.

And you have been doing that throughout the last 9 years.

OK, that´s all I needed - then you can continue to promote those “other” trimaranplans as well -
no matter if these “designs” are stoneaged and actually kripples.

Nobody will trust you anymore - no matter what you´ll say.
Well done!

Ernst, thank you for your PM.

I have no axe to grind with you and, as said previously, have no interest in what has gone on before. As you can see I’ve not been a member long.

You say you want rehabilitation but it seems to me that with all the baggage you are carrying around that isn’t going to happen. Stuff happens in life, sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes planned, sometimes not; what I have learned is that if you dwell on the bad stuff it eats away at you.

So, a well meaning question: was signing up here pretending to be someone else, acting provocatively and promoting your nightmare design the best way to achieve rehabilitation?

Perhaps an alternative approach of signing up, declaring yourself and your desire to be rehabilitated, burying the hatchet, wiping the slate clean, making a clean breast of it (or whatever other metaphor fits) and acting in an open and constructive manner would have received a more sympathetic audience and avoided the confrontational cycle that this has descended into.

There is only one way to break this sort of cycle and that is to change something so, can I suggest that you put down your baggage, accept the past for what it is, history, and move on in a positive manner; if you do I think you’ll find others will too.


The free selfbuildingplans can be found at

Every interested person can also send an email to:

If there will be interesting discussions about multihulls here in the future,
I might join in again - but right now seems impossible to discuss technical aspects here in a sane way.

The cause needs to be removed - not the symptoms.

as the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water…


Lets say for a moment that you are not the cause of the bad blood…but merely a person who has been wronged… I’m not the religous type but I did read the good book once and it taught of tolerance and turning the other cheek.

I did a quick search of Idealist and rehab. posts…as rehab, you first posted on January 29. and dropped a few post on that day… and then came back on 2/7 and basically lambasted Dick for what appeared to be a sound judgment on his part that jumping into a mulithull (after not having sailed either rc or in a real boat) could be a foolish venture and that its best to learn the basics. Ie learn to crawl before you run. You then pushed the Ernst button…for no good reason(except for your own personal agenda as its now known)…which got folks in a tizzy.

As idealist, some of your post were good information, then the infighting started…and it went to shyt quick…

You’ve posted the email for the free plans leave it at that. Stop pushing the personal agenda(vendetta). Chances are if you lay off the attacks so will the rest of the folks…If folk want your plans they can PM you or shoot you an email.

contribute and answer questions when they arise use your knowledge to help the class…But the self promotional posts get old after a while…

Look I’d love a set of free plans… but right now…i still have a one meter ketch sitting on my table that I have to finish…and now that its sailing/golfing weather… chances are it won’t be finished any time soon…

just my thoughts…

Email on the way for a set plans to put on the wall and look at and ponder…

Dear Marc,
plans have been sent to you!
Including all updates.

As I wrote earlier - it´s time for a change here as well!

For the last 9 years I had a hard time to sort out all false technical informations about rc-multihulls and
the mysterious “scaling-factor”, that floated around in the internet.

IF there where any persons at all, who knew the solutions to these problems -they where unwilling to share them.

But now I know for myself - and I will share my knowledge.

My goals are 100 free plans at least given out within this year -
and my dream is a worldchampionship for Mini40 with 50 boats.
(Isn´t that a dream everybody can agree to?)

“Don´t let them die stupid!”