NSS 650 STANDARD build log

thank you Marc,

Do you think installation of vang will eliminate some of the sail twist?

in the meentime I have started working on another hull that I will put to the test with existing rigging and fin. So far there is nearly no progress :slight_smile:

lukasz k

I have consulted my issues with some of my local friends, and I came to conclusion, that I have redo the sails, and install the boom vang. On the other hand, just as an exercise in resin work and to gain some experience I am working on another hull. So far I am preparing the plug. here is what it looks like for now.

lukasz k

absolutist. with no vang, nothing holds the main downā€¦

Hello friends,

Finally I have my plug ready. I painted it two coats primer and two coats final paint. Over the weekend that the paint is completely cured I am planning to do the mould. The quality of the work could be somewhat better but I guess I am lacking the patience. Maybe with my next project I am going to improve on that :slight_smile:

Lukasz K

hello friends,

I am still working on the hull mould work. For some reason I couldnā€™t nicely separate the plug and the mould. I did struggle for an hour or so to simply separate the plug. Along the work I have completely ruined it. Shame on me. What do you think was the case? I let the paint sit for a complete week, I put 6 layers of carnauba wax, a layer of polyvinyl alcohol and still I didnā€™t come up with satisfactory results. As you can see on the pic, I still have way to go :frowning:
lukasz k


with some amount of work I managed to bring to order the female mould. For now I separated the hull, using Claudio Dā€™s advice on the number of layers of wax :slight_smile: hooray :slight_smile: I used two layer of 150g tissue and epoxy. It came out rather heavy. The weight of the bare hull is 111g. I am going to use 200g tissue to reinforce the crucial sections. Given the difficulties with the mould I can say that I am rather happy with the result. Here is what it looks like for now

lukasz k

hello everyone,

I hope Christmas is going well for everybody. Since I got tired of eating and eating I went to my workshop and did some work on my project. Unfortunatelly I had difficulties in separating the plug from the mould, but on the other hand I am quite happy with the improvement of quality of lamination. the deck I have done, although I will have to make some repairs due to ā€œroughā€ separation process. the boat is coming out heavy. I have two bulb and keel options. One of 451g and the other of 560g, and the weight of the boat is accordingly 760g to 870g. Where is the room for servos and rig? Here is what it looks like now. Any comments and advice I will greatly appreciate.

looks intriguing. I to have had some difficulty in the release on hard cornersā€¦ It look like you will either have you electronics forward of the bulkhead or exposed in the open cockpitā€¦

even if you when with a flat deck aft youā€™d still have some clearance issues it looks likeā€¦


I am planning to install batteries in front of the bulkhead and the rest aft on the flat deck. Also for the look, I am going to make ā€œcanopyā€ to cover the servos and stuff.


Hello friends,

After redoing the deck over. Of course with some problems with releasing it from the mould, what you can see on the picture. There is still some chunks of paint visible. I still donā€™t get what is the problem. I let the paint cure properly, I did 7 layers wax with 1 hour intervals between the layers, than 2 layer of PVA and still problems. Maybe I tried the release too soon? I donā€™t know. with the canopy I am going to sit on the PVA a while longer and see what happens.

The foam you can see is the plug for my canopy :slight_smile: When you take a look at the ster, could you advice on how to finish and seal it of? I am planning to foam it than epoxy and spackle and paint. But maybe there is better way? Here is what it looks like

While I am waiting for foam to cure, I had practised a little bit making the sails. One thing bugs me though. For production I have used Claudio tool. The curvature comes out quite ok on one side, but on the other the sail wrinkles around connection of the brits. What is the case? what mistake do I make? Here is the pictures

and here comes the problem side


Lukasz Koch

Hi there,

I donā€™t know if this advice is coming a little late in the day, but Iā€™m convinced that your mold separation issues are coming from the painted finish of the plug. The only exception would possibly be if you used a 2 pack polyurethane in which case Iā€™m at a loss. When I built an ā€˜Enterpriseā€™ plug I too used a paint finish (automotive rattle can) which initially gave problems because I was going to use polyester resin. It didnā€™t matter what combination of mold release I used I had the same results each time - the consensus was that the styrene was still reacting with the paint despite aā€™barrierā€™ of wax and pva.

I then tried epoxy and although the mold separated relatively easily, close inspection of the plug revealed that the fabric weave had left an ā€˜imprintā€™ on the paint surface. This leads me to believe that you have 1 or 2 options for future projects, those being; (1) Donā€™t use paint on plugs (unless itā€™s 2 pack) & (2) Try a different brand of epoxy

In terms of finishing the transom Iā€™d be inclined to laminate a flat sheet of glass/epoxy, cut to shape (perhaps utilising a cardboard template) and then simply bond in place using a thickened epoxy mix as you appear to already have done with your bulkhead. An alternative could be to use some thin (1 - 1.5 mm) plywood.

Hope that little lot is of some use, in the meantime happy building!!



Hi Row and Lukasz,
The Wax manufacturers specify on their Data Sheets that care shall be taken when molding with surfaces painted with Polyurethane products.
According to my understanding, this is due, to make it simple, to a chemical reaction/linkage with the resin free molecules of previous polymerization process. More often with polyester then epoxy.
Recently some manufactures are supplying Waxes compatible with Polyurethane.
As Row says, better not use any sort of paint.

My Esterel 123 molding used wood masters covered only with glass fibers for reinforcement and the Esterel Footy was simply dry polished and waxed plywood .
The Estrel Footy master came out from the epoxy mold almost by himself much more easily then Esterel 123 although easy too.


Row and Claudio,

Thank you for your advice !!! It turned out that you were wright in terms of paint finish of the plug. As a practice I have build a canopy plug, than I finished it with automotive putty and two coats of polyurethane wood flooring finish laquer, than six layers of wax and two layers of pva. Then I have applied a gel coat of my own production and tissue and resin. I am finally very happy with the results :)! The mold simply popped out of the plug! Now I can put the worries away and look forward more enthusiastically into my AC 120 project !!! Thank you once more :slight_smile:

Lukasz Koch


I am slowly coming to an end of the project. I would like to show you the picture of the boat after painting. Here comes my lack of experience in this hobby and disapointment. While removing the masking tape I removed also the chunks of the paint near the deck/hull sheer line :frowning: It looks awfull and I have no idea how to perform the repair. Shall I use filler, sand, brush paint and again sand? Or is there another way of doing it? Thank for any help.

Lukasz Koch

one option is to just touch it up with a brushā€¦and leave it beā€¦ the more sanding, taping you do you run the risk of ending up with more peeled paint in other areasā€¦

another option woudl be to carry a black stripe along the sheerline and around the back of the hull just wide enough to cover the pealed areasā€¦

what a shame. Murphyā€™s law at work - Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong

I have the opposite problem sailing with Marc, he rubs his paint off all over my nice white boat. : -)

When did they start making carbon Vicā€™s?

carbon fiber doesnā€™t rub offā€¦

you joke around I am depressed :slight_smile: I was hoping to give her a sea trials this coming labor day weekend. Instead I will be doing repairs, I hope I will be happy with results.

Lukasz Koch

My Apology Lukasz.
We know this is troubling for you.

Craig is alwasy funnyā€¦ a regular stand up comedian. every time he stands up some one laughsā€¦ :slight_smile:

I have kinda given up on showroom finishes. unless you go with an automotive style paintā€¦ you will always bee touching up nicks and marksā€¦