NSS 650 STANDARD build log

Thank you Don for your hint. Definately I will give it a shot :slight_smile: Although now that Joachim told me that my hull is heavy I consider making another one using his technique of thicker resin to start with :slight_smile:
This hobby is either going to kill me or ruin me :slight_smile:
lukasz k

Hi, Lukasz,
for closing pinholes there is a special filler used by the car painters. It is called “Wischfüller” in German. Unfortunately I don not know the correct English translation. Doing it verbally, it is “wipe filler”. It is a paste which will be wiped with a piece of cloth over the surface and will so be pressed into the pinholes. A more fluid filler will be swept out by its own solvent, spackle will not go into these fine holes. The other way is to pour thinned lacquer into the hull until you see droplets at the outside. Then remove the excess and let everything dry.

Hello again,

Here I would like to present some more progress of my work. I you see any mistakes or would like to share any hints than please let me know at once. In the meantime I did the keel box, rudder, I placed and alignened the keel. Later on today I am going to make the bulb ( I am gonna go with 485 g as per your advice :)) and supports for serves and gear.

Lukasz K

glad you were able to get your keel out of the keel box after the epoxy set. my first one peice keel box I had to cut the box off the keel and try again. so I went with a two peice design. of course I put towels and heavy weights on the mold to get a nice fit similar to the way a vacuum bag would have done…keep plugging away…

hi Marc,

I applyied three layers of masking tape than a layer of packing over a tip of the keel and I separated it nice and smooth

Lukasz K

two layers of packing 2 layers of glass, all between towels and 25lbs of lead… very snug fit… so I made a two peice trunk using clingwrap to separate the two halves.

my solution works very fine, although I recommend using clams for pressure than the various weights

Lukasz k

My friends,

I have moved on with the project. I finished fitting of the hull. Honestly, I do not really like it. If you would recommend anything interesting, or better for me I would really appreciate it :). Next stage is the fignt against the pinholes. So far it looks like this : Lukasz 0 : pinholes 1 :slight_smile: Take a look at the pics of my progress, and point out anything that comes to your mind.

Lukasz K


I had the pinhole problem as well on my albacore. I made an epoxy slurry of MEK and epoxy to coat my problem areas. and then more paint… at least get the boaton the water and see if it sails the way you want it to…

call it a learning experience…

hello my friends,

today I only set up the mast mount and bonded the bulb with the fin :slight_smile: here is the pics. Hope next weekend I will put my baby on the water.

lukasz koch

Hello friends,

Here I would like to show some progress of my work. It goes slow, because football leauge already started and it is consuming my time :slight_smile: But the hull work is almost done. Primer is to be sanded some more and I will be ready for painting. Another story are the sails !!! I cannot make them !!! I guess I will have to copy and make myself the all famous “claudio’s tool”, and most importantly learn on how to use it. I taped the brits over the arched piece of plastic, but the seams are not flat but are not arched either. What is the trick?

Lukasz K

lukasz, juts do a single large panel to start with. no seams, no fancy taping. just to see if the boat sails well…

The order in which you stick everything down is whats important, bend, stick sail, straighten bend, add seam tape, and then the second panel…plus the direction in which you place the first pane on the tool maters as well…


Here is an easier link to the masters write up on the Claudio tool sail-making.
Have a look around there lots of other great stuffalso.




all I can say is thank you :slight_smile: hope we could match some day.

Lukasz K


Thank you guys for the good advice. The work goes slowly forward. Painting for is being pain in the … The sails are almost done, I have to clean the excess of the paint. I guess I did not the masking work correctly

Lukasz K

hi everyone,

I couldn’t resist and I roughly put everything together. here is what is going to look like. Once I will set everything up I will take detailed pictures and ask you for pointing out the mistakes.

Lukasz K


Finally I have managed to finish and maiden voyage my boat :slight_smile: Unfortunately, the weather turned into rain, so I didn’t get a chance to take decent pictures of her on the water. Tommorow I will sail some more and snap some pics, and a short movie and I will share it with you, and ask for advice and opinion.


Now that I did my sailing, and have nothing else to do I started to think about another project. The thing is that I really like the Volvo Ocean Race or Imoca class of the big boats, and I think how come our RC race boats have completely different shape of the hull. So I open a delftship and I drew the sketch of my next boat inspired by above mentioned. I am going to build the hull and use the rig and fin of the existing one, and then compare the performances. Maybe someone that has some knowledge about the theory of boat building can enlighten me on the differences between these two design that I introduce here? Thanks

Lukasz K


here is some short movie from my sailing day. Let me know what can be improved trimmed about tha boat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqJy7ZOP7OM

lukasz k

she sails… successful build… looks like you have a lot of twist int he main though. and looks like the slot between the main/jib is kinda tight…