Liverpool Challenge

The rule mentions “in racing trim”, so I would assume that means that the designed waterline should be parallel to the top of the box, leaving at least part of your foredeck & bow stem above the top of the box. Is this correct?

One thing your drawing demonstrates is that there is always a design tradeoff in these ideas. Yes, you are gaining another inch of waterline (WL) which will theoretically render slight higher potential “hull speed.” However, the sacrfice is substantially less potential volume in the bow to resist the infamous “Footy Dive When Running” phenomenum. OTOH, a slimmer entry will undoubtably reduce form drag.

I like your hull’s profile shape, though.
Bill K

How about putting the bow on the fat end, like a “codfish” kayak?


The rules state that the boat shall fit within an open topped box. Things like a Bowsprit, Bumkin, Rudder and rigging can be outside the box.

The term " In racing trim " implies that the “B” rig sails and booms must be able to travel through their full range of movement and therefore, by default, the hull must be high enough in the box to allow this to happen.

Its worth reading the rules intentions notes which are accessed via the Technical page for added explanations.



Thanks for pointing that out, I had not seen it before. The more I thought about it,
requiring “racing trim” to include a horizontal WL would present a real can of worms & preclude more recent diagonal designs.


As has been mentioned elsewhere in this thread, as soon as you bring individual waterlines into the measement equation you have to start thinking of a water tank to establish where it is. This then becomes very complicated and I’m sure would be way beyond the simplicity envisaged by the Footy fathers.

The straightforward requirement for the hull to fit within a defined box is certainly simple, as long as the requirement for the rigs to swing freely is remembered. I think the sooner this is incorporated within the primary rules page the better.



So who is going?
Bill I know is making the trip,Nigel was but now isn’t.
Is anyone else making the trek to liverpool??