Thanks Jonas for your fast reply, I will add a direct link for the number registration over of the (as usual done overall) list of all the registrars. This is a good argoumentation by you thank.
But hope you don’t mind if anyway I’ll never publicize who is trying to get me down
" And I think refering to the official Footy-Charter a country registrar can ban one of his member because of several reasons."
So at least you don’t know the reason why as ben banned? Do I understand correctly?
“I think this should be the goal of every country and in this point your website is really well done.”
Thank you very much.
"The only point that disappoints me is the fact that you confuse many footy-sailors. In order to have an overview of every single footy-sailor that sails his little boat all around the world it is important that a boat is registered. Otherwise there will be no proof of the fact that footy-sailing becomes more commun. "
Not completely agree, just see the Footy-Italia like a team or a club i would say where anybody who want to join in can, and where you can find most of footy info all over the world, even if you have a not sailing footy (to be extreme). it look like it takes ‘live’ only in this last times when our group and site starts to growing. The intention is not to divide, never be, but just giving a place where people can talk about footy, regatta, news, organizing them selves for the gold cup and so on… and this place as found in this is the only targed we reaced and the only we searcing for
“And although your statement, it seems to me that because of this point the local authority of Flavio as your country registrar is not accepted.”
Not really, well somebody may be, but sure somobody else don’t. Like in all groups in the world may be. The sure thing is that shown ALWAYS the right person for this job by the site and EVERY TIME somebody ask by mail or using modules.
I’ld like, at the opposite, somebody would care about the difficoulty and intimidations we received creating our group. Believeme I ‘officially’ and unofficially also never say a bad word about other groups expecially the officials ones, or trying to discourage anyone to do anything.
That’s why I like the others do the same with Footy Italia Team.
Best Regards.