Footy Bumper Sticker

I get magnets & stickers on the smail all the time.

How about some ideas for car stickers or magnets that you could make for yourself? Show off your toy!!


i like it!

I’ll start things off…

S1M class has items available from - check it out, could be a service to members and a (very small) profit center for the class association

Hi Gang…

 I had the art department (Wife) whip me up a quick logo and then proceeded to make up a few products for you to look at and purchase if you are so inclined...  I put a small mark up on the products and most of that will be going to the AMYA footy class  association...

 If you want different colors, products, or wording, let me know and I will try to accomodate you...  

URL is: Take care and have fun…


Bruce… :cool:

That’s a fairly good range of products.

I’ve had some people comment about the shirts, cups, and stickers fading too quickly. What have your people done to insure durable, long-lating quality products?



 So far the things that I have acquired through Cafe Press have done well...  The stickers in the weather and sun might not last a super long time but then they are pretty cheap to replace...  I am planning to order a few of the products I have not tried and see how they work out...


Bruce… :cool:

Just went to the store site and they claim that the stickers are on vinyl and do not fade in the sun or run in the rain… I have some coming so will let you know…

I like the idea. I’m glad someone has thought of it!

I’m getting some magnetic material today, and maybe I will just use the sharpie marker to make up something simple, like “Put your best Footy forward.” :slight_smile:

I love the ideas and the cafepress products that folks have come up with here. I have one concern though. We have the official Footy insignia posted as part of the rules. We use a 3D version on the Footy webpage and Tomo is using that in his sample bumpsticker. Brett uses another style of logo on his webpages and Gearhead has also used it (or something very close) for his Cafepress products. Something tells me we need to stick with a consistant logo. Must be corporate influences creeping in. :rolleyes:

I’ve been stuggling with this issue over the weekend while designing awards for the upcoming NC Footy event. My plan was to use a Tarheel logo which is similar to the Footy insignia but I’m having second thoughts. I think I’m going to use a Footy insignia outline with a tarheel spot added rather than a different foot.

Slight modification of the insignia, like the 3D effect, seem ok. Using a differently shaped foot I think dilutes our image. How do other folks feel?

Speaking from the point of view of a graphic artist myself, I agree with you John. The Footy design is not a copyrighted logo is it? While I appreciated Gearhead’s wife interpretation of the foot it did not speak of the class itself. I think that we need to stick to what is recognizable as the class, so that we promote the class itself.

It looks like the solution is to have one common place to find the logo, say the Footy website? Perhaps Charles would put the correct logo at the head of the homepage.

To be honest, I didn’t notice that the logo I used in my bumper sticker had a 3D effect. It had the right shape, and IMO, that was important, as it should be simple, like the basic theme of the boat, so anyone should be able to draw it, probably even from memory.

I don’t know. Is artwork automatically copyrighted at the creation, like photos and text? Who made the insignia? I’ll start searching the archives. I hope it was created by a Footy person or we grabbed it from the public domain.

(later edited thoughts)
Tomo, I’m not sure if the 3D effect version isn’t “the correct logo” for the webpage. It’s derived from the insignia as shown in the “Rules”. What guidelines should we encourage? Should we even have guidelines or is any foot shaped logo ok? This was just my feeling. I guess Bob and Tomo are in favor but I’d like to hear from more folks before we start asking for changes to anything.

Hi Gang,

First, I agree that it would be better to stick with one logo to represent the Footy class and if possible it should be the original, as intended…

The reason I used a foot that differs from the original is that I do not have the right to that image and knew if I had my resident artist produce her own and intentionally make it different enough, that there would be no copyright problems… The items I designed were merely to show examples and for me to get some samples to see how the CafePress quality would be… All were excellent…

If we can obtain permission from the originator or organization body, I will be happy to change those products to that image… My motive here is not to make a profit but to farm it back into the association… Take care and have fun…


Bruce… :cool:

I wasn’t trying to suggest it was. I did say that the logo should be simple enough for just about anyone to draw freehand, so a 2D graphic is appropriate.

In a pinch, ‘Any’ foot logo could be accepted, say at a regatta, by a last-minute entry, but the correct one should be encouraged, and if possile, RDs should have some decals or a stencil on-hand. The media is getting interested in the hobby stuff lately, so if there is a group of Footies out in the public, we definitely should encourage the correctness of the boats, down to the logo.


Ok, news. The Footy foot does not seem to have any copyright restrictions so we can do what we like. Gearhead, would you and your wife like to work up some designs using the official foot? I like your Cafepress products so far and would love to see them with official feet. I’d order a golf shirt and a hat if you had them. What do you say? Anyone else want to contribute designs? The only addition/comment I have is for stickers or mugs type products to carry the Footy URL somewhere,

I’ve also heard that makes good quality products like Cafepress but they don’t seem to have the selection. Anyone want to check them out?

And finally, on a related note, here’s the award medal that I’ll be handing out at the Tarheel Footy event next month. I’m only making 2. Who’ll get to take one home?

Nice job on the medal, John…please email or call me with cost info…I’d like to see if it would be feasible for me to fund a couple medals for each group from our AMYA registration fees…though we might not all want the tar spot on the heel!

Bill H

Hi Gang…

 Consider it done...  I will put the art department on it and try to have a group of work to look at by Monday...  Be thinking of what text we should put under the logo on say the T's perhaps just FOOTY or FOOTY CLASS and something more verbose on the bumper sticker ???  Ideas ???


Bruce… :cool:

Thanks Bruce,

How about “Footy Class R/C Sailing” for the shirts?

Bumper stickers could get pretty creative.
“The game is afoot - Footy Class R/C Sailing”
“Get your feet wet with R/C sailing - Footy Class”

ok, next…

I still like “Put your best Footy forward” :smiley: