Warning to Multihulls

[-crzwom] There was a new multiONE launched the other day and no one caught on not even the esteemed Class Secretary or the other well known multihull fanatic: it was the microMOTH!!
She qualifies as a multiONE in every respect (note the little “buoyancy pods” on the outside of the rack) and if she works she’ll be awfully fast–and hungry: looking for a good multi to murderate. So watch out- something new is in the mix and it just might be after you![:-jump]

Doug Lord
High technology Sailing

[8D] Sir, I still haven’t been able to figure out what claim you were going to refute: that it was launched? that it is a multiONE? that it was new? that it was “hungry” that it would be fast IF it worked? As best as I can tell those were the only “claims” refered to; any idea what you meant?

Doug Lord
High Technology Sailing