Thank you all for the Support of

Just wanted to thank you all for your support of this forum. Also wanted to bring out some stats to say thank you for your continued support.

(information accessible at:

Top 10 Posters and long time supporters:

  1. Dick Lemke - 1162 posts. (a long and outstanding member)
  2. Wismerhell - 1142 posts. (he never sleeps)
  3. Cougar - 837 posts (keeping the forum under control)
  4. wgrogen - 600 posts ( havent seen in awhile )
  5. Mathew Lingley - 504 posts (some interesting discussions)
  6. Steve Crews - 458 posts (Good insight, newer member in comparison)
  7. Don - 367 posts
  8. Peter Birch - 327 posts
  9. Dansherman - 317 posts (keeps the forum safe and functioning)

Latest 10 New members:

  1. Tony Evans
  2. hans23
  3. Calou
  4. KVC
  5. Mahoo
  6. silverspoon
  7. wwy00
  8. rlocke
  9. Footie
  10. fearna

Welcome aboard :slight_smile: !!

Top 3 Most viewed Threads: (have you seen them?)
1.Scale Sail Started by Matthew Lingley. Viewed 14,028 times !!!
2. “Footy” Class Started by Brett. Viewed 8,146 times
3. xx Started by JayDee. Viewed 7,927 times

Again thank you all for your help and support of this board.