Due to very bad weather forecast for next sunday, designer, builder and skipper have agreed to postpone Brando delivery and sea trials.
Most probably they would be happy to have only static flotation test to be carried out during weekend, in my bathroom facilities.
Anyway even if building activities are a bit more relaxed, other small details have been added here an there.
I hope it would not be too much out of topic to spend few words about raw balsa
In the past I have experienced a very uncomfortable feeling discovering that, notwistanding my careful attention, few of my model hull were unbelivably twisted .
Now, due to improved technology as well a deep experimental research, I have been able to have a better understanding of this mystery
1 - balsa specific gravity is very very very variable
I have found on different planks 1000 mm x 100 mm x 1.5 mm weights from 16-18 gr up to 40-42 gr
In other words specific density change from about 100 kg/m3 up to over 250 kg/m3
2 - wood stiffness is almost exactly related to specific density
3 - wood properties for balsa wood are different within the same plank too ( !!! )
I have cut first topside panel of Brando from a good, smooth and dry plank , from a good manifacturer ( Graupner ) : Its average density was about 200 kg/m3
- first topside : 4.1 gr ( good )
- second cut : 7.3 gr ( ! ) due to so large discrepancy I have cut a third topside
[FONT=“Book Antiqua”]- third cut : 5.6 gr intermediate value
Using advanced methods ( two books, and two calibrated banana yoghurt pots ) I have done a test to check different bending of these topsides and result are very impressive - see below -
Deflection were absolutely different.
1 - building a model hull using very thin balsa panel, can lead to unpleasant ugly hull shapes due to unsymmetric ( port and starboard ) stiffness of various parts.
2 - problems can be avoided using a cheap digital kitchen scales, as well making preliminary simple stiffness test ( beer cans can be used instead of yoghurt for thicker balsa )
Next time few words about rudder and keel ( I hope )