Rio Grand Cup - 2011

The Duke City Model Yacht Club (DCMYC) is hosting its 4th annual Rio Grande Cup regatta on the weekend of November 5th and 6th. Friday the 4th will be for practice and check-in.

Earl Boebert will be posting the NOR in the next few weeks, but he asked if I would post an announcement so that potential racers can start thinking about their schedule.

This is a fun regatta hosted by a great group of people. If you can make it to Albuquerque in early November, you will not be disappointed.

Good chance I will have spare boats if someone wants to borrow one.

Earl, is there a wind limit in the NOR or SI’s? Just want to make sure I have the right rigs. Thanks.

No wind limits, be prepared for anything :slight_smile:



That is what I am doing at the moment. The new boat goes in the water today. Hope it sails well.