RG 65 B rig

Can any one give me the dimensions one would use
to make a set of B sails
Regards ken

From what I have seen, the B rig uses the same foot measurements as for the A rig, but the luff lengths are reduced so that the total area is reduced by approximately 20%. Make sure that the percentage of the total attributed to the jib is the same in the A and B rigs. That will keep the balance of the boat constant.


you are completely free in designing your B-rigg. The only limitation is the overall maximum sail area (A-rigg).

Concerning the percentage of jib and main, I have made good experience to leave the A-jib and to reduce only the main. Usually I cut the luff approximately in the height of the “jib stay” and adjust the leech to get a proper shape. It works well

While looking for some other stuff I’ve come across some good dimensioned sailplans for A, B and C rigs on the French Plans website


Look for the Tinker plans and there are drawings for traditional (B series) and fat head (A series) rigs


To help get a very clear comparison between an A rig and a B rig have a look at this link to the German RG65 Open Forum


Interesting to note that the foot length is the same for both mainsails while there is a marginal reduction on the foot length of the B rig jib indicating the reduction is achieved by removing area from high up and mast length