
Most od us from time to time have experience some form of malfunction on our Footy boats, flat batteries or failed control lines and we either wait for it to drift to the edge if luck is in or we send out something to rescue it. Our group tend to have the odd Springer or Scale Tug around when this happens (one small Footy boat one large tug) doesn’t always work so I decided a Springer Tug was good but more like a footy boat size so I built one even fits the box

Doesn’t tend to sink the yachts you are trying to rescue either like some of the scale boats

Been tempted to put a sail on it, but will just bring it to the lake for those occasional emergency…


as i am new to this ‘sport’ would love to see some sketches and/or pics of the ‘Springer’ under construction. Wot ya think?
John L

Anything and evrything there is to know about Springers can be found here.
And a pic of one of our rescue Springers.

I like the “Thing” simple, basic, and efficient, doesn’t look as pretty though, but it is an easy clever design
