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Forum: General Discussion
Assigned Moderators: Dick Lemke, Earl Boebert

Posted by: pollyanna03
Original Content:

Scrubs seasons 1-8 dvd boxset The show is about a intern ( later he becomes a doctor-Doctor who seasons 1-4 dvd boxset)called JD (John dorian).He
narrates his life through the episodes about his life at sacred heart.There he goes through everyday situations in a hospital that are very humourous indeed.I love this program([Scrubs seasons 1-8](
Seasons-1-8-DVD-Boxset-DVD-1616.html)) so much.Its(Doctor who seasons 1-4 dvd boxset) gag’s and
jokes may get cheesy at times but you still get a laugh from them because of the good acting.My favourite character is Dr Cox due to his personality and humour.I’d recomend [Scrubs seasons 1-8 dvd boxset](
Seasons-1-8-DVD-Boxset-DVD-1616.html) to anyone who likes comedy as its funny enjoyable at at times gives you moral’s that make you feel better about yourself