Region 1 Footy Championship Regatta Saturday, August 23

Start making plans to attend the annual Region 1 Footy Championship Regatta on Saturday, August 23.

We’ll be racing at Lily Pond in Gilford, NH.

Registration opens at 9:00 and skippers’ meeting is at 10:00. The fee is $15.00 to cover the cost of trophies.

We’ll break about noon for a fantastic lunch donated, prepared and served by Suzanne DeStephano. Those who have been to previous R1CRs know Suzanne does an incredible job, and even the last place skipper is a winner in this regatta :slight_smile:

We’ll end by 3:00 so travelers can get home at a reasonable hour.

I’m looking forward to seeing the usual suspects and, of course, I’ll be sailing a new boat!

Be sure to joins us…Bill

Hi Bill,

I plan on being there!.

So a new boat… I’ll show you mine if you show me yours?

I’m going for 250g… single diagonal. lots of 3D printed pieces. (including the mold)
