Region 1 Footy Championship at Lily Pond in Gilford, NH, August 13

Hi Footy Skippers. It’s time for our annual Region 1 Championship!

The race will be on Lily Pond in Gilford, NH, on Saturday, August 13.

Registration fee is $15.00. Trophies and chevrons go to the top 3 finishers. Skippers meeting is at 10:30am. I’ll be at the pond by 9:00 for registration, which will be open until 10:00.

If you were there last year, you will remember the incredible lunch set out for us by Footy fan (and Ronnie Jones’s wife) Suzanne DeStephano. Suzanne insists on doing it again!! So there IS such a thing as a free lunch!

Because Suzanne is going to a lot of personal expense and trouble to do this for us, please let me know in advance if you plan to attend. You can do that by reply to this post, or by email to

It’s going to be a lot of fun and spirited racing, so don’t miss this one…oh yeah, and great food, too :slight_smile:

See you at the pond…Bill