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I am totally new to RC sailing. Based on past modeling experience I should have no problem with building the sailboat but… the electronics has me in a tizzy.
I am going to build a Soling One meter and need the right combination of transmitter, receiver, & servos. I have looked at, and thought I understood Option 4 package on the Victor-model site until I went looking for more details. The more I look at what’s available on-line the more confused I get [:-banghead]. I understand that because of the location of the club I will sail with I need a 2 channel FM Dual conversion setup. I am getting nowhere and really concerned that I will order the wrong stuff. Can someone point me in the right direction with some suggestions?
I have some decent experience with the Soling. I?ll take a guess and say that you are sailing in the Needham area? Just a guess
I would recommend that you stay away from the Victor options and get the following
First, a good dual conversion FM radio for a LOW price is the Hitec Laser http://www2.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXCJG8**&P=7
I was not a Hitec radio fan, but I have used this and it worked great. This radio comes with TWO of the same servos. All which are good for your rudder servo.