Peter Hubbard

I am sorry to have to tell you all that Peter Hubbard suffered a mild heart ttack earlier this week. Fortunately there appears to be only minor damage to the heart and he is well on the road to recovery. He will be having an angiogram next week and - depending on what that shows - may have some stents implanted.

I am sure you will all join with me in wishing him a full and speedy recovery.


Get well soon Peter
Best wishes

My prayers are with ya buddy.


Hey Peter

Sorry to hear your bad news mate. I’m really glad it was just a minor skirmish & that you are making a good progress. Hang in there chum, & I look forward to seeing you at the side of the pond again in the very near future. I want some strong local resistance from you when I compete for the “St. Mobwen Trophy? We also need the usual banter that you bring.

Until then take care.


Sorry to hear about your challenges - hope you bounce back swiftly.

On a practical basis we need you to help us remember the Branston Footy rules:
[li]Follow the course
[/li][li]Don’t centre-pop other boats
is it I before E except after C?

best wishes

Peter - hope you are recovering ok - will give you fighting head start at the Nationals but none at Cotswold so you had better get well soon

He’s escaped and sounds well. Had an angiogram, so feels like he’s ben kicked in thr bls like you’ve never ben kicked in th bls, but otherwise all is wel. Problem bing controlled wit rugs for the time being Intends to be at Watermead.

Get well Peter.


Is this another example of a cheapskate NHS, just giving you bits of carpet to wrap yourself up in ?

Look after yourself and I hope to see you, John and Ian at Burton, Watermead and Cirencester.

All the best,

firstfooty aka Trevor Thomas