New England Events

Any upcoming New England Footy sailing? I’m looking to get in some more action. I think I’ve got my rig problem solved :smiley:

These guys in CT seem to have a Footy race on their calendar…

Let’s not forget…you don’t need to go anywhere to race Footys!
The July Jaunt and Jostle internet regatta is on right now.

Get out on your pond with a boat and a course.
I nearly took today off to go establish a time…

Thanks guys - unfortunately I found out about the CT event just a little too late and have another commitment that weekend. Count me in for future CT footy races.

I just got back from the Paderewski MYC’s first Footy Regatta. There were 10 skippers from four states there with Bill Hagerup winning the ‘Distance Driving’ award.

In spite of heroic efforts of the club members, weeds were a bit of a problem (as they are all over the northeast US this year), but that didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the racers.

Stock boats,custom boats, standard fore-and-aft rigs, MacRigs, a swing rig, a diagonal boat, and 1 1/3 bottle boats were all represented with no conclusions except that big rigs seemed to do better. Us ‘old (Footy anyway) timers’ got a chance to reconnect and I think the new guys got an appreciation of how exciting a well tuned footy can be to race. Everyone I spoke to was highly enthusiastic and we all hope the PMYC will make this regatta an annual event!

Scott forgot to mention that he won, and one of his other boats also did very well.

Dan Iarropino and his crew at the Paderewski Model Yacht Club did an excellent job, running the event in true Footy tradition (a little informal, and very hospitable). Their location in a shady area was very comfortable in the steamy weather.

Walt how did you get on, well I hope?

Andy - The 3-Liter Torpedo was reasonably competitive. It finished 6th overall, but it did have a first and a third, and never finished last. It had some recent improvements, which helped (like it stayed dry for the entire 12 races, and no parts fell off), but there is still room for more improvement of problems that became evident. It could have done even better with an improved skipper. As Scott had mentioned, there were a great variety of different boat types. There was a V-12 that had a false prow much like mine, which gave it a plumb stem like an American Footy. Bill Hagerup used a new skinny diagonal boat, much like Brett’s new Bob-About 2, but with a more rounded chine. Bill mentioned your beer-can-and-soda-bottle boat, and thought it had great promise.

Walt ~ you guys had a ball by the sounds of it, I only managed a 9th position at Birkenhead but was very happy just to be part of it