New Design

Hello guys,

Just wanted t post some pics of my latest design…she was sailing in 3-6 with some small chop on the water, I was impressed for first outing!

Well done.

To be helpful to others, please consider…

  1. Indicate where you live. (City or state or country)
  2. Post some basic dimensions of your design (beam, keel depth, bulb and hull weight, etc.)
  3. If not yet registered, I urge you to register with your national class or Class Owners Association.

Thanks, Dick


I live in Louisville, Ky and have already registered my first RG. Need to register my Blue Splash, and now this new one.

The Boat is a hard chine, 6 panel design. Its max beam is 175mm, the keel is 280mm from bottom of hull to bottom of bulb. The boats design weight is 1kg. Hull is made from Balsa and keel/rudder are made from 1/32 ply over a carbon rod, then glassed with 2 layers, one on the bias. Bulb is a new design, and weighs in at 600 grams.

Included are a couple pics of it on the work bench…


I was looking at photos today from the RG65 International Regatta (“Worlds” that we can’t say due to ISAF blah, blah, blah) and I noticed some really narrow boats, but also a few wide ones. This looks like it might be out at the “wide side” - at least from the photos. Nice looking boat. I am guessing that you strip built to the 6 different hard chine panels?

Yes it is probably on the wider side of things…but I like the extra stability also I don’t have to carry a long/deep keel to get similar righting moment. It should sail great in mid to heavy air.

I did build the first two using strips but I have someone now working on figuring out the full panel shapes so that I can make some templates. I am hoping to put together a kit for this boat…

As far as the WORLDS go, I think, as said before, that these boats may go in the direction of the Marbleheads…I don’t really like that direction. Hence the wider, more realistic look to the boat.


Hi Brian - and apologies for not recognizing the “handle”. Didn’t know until I read a post of yours on the RG Yahoo Group site. Suddenly a lot became clear.

Do you have any guys near you building or racing these? I’d like to get a regatta scheduled for the Midwest - if not this year yet, at least for next summer. Was looking at perhaps Kansas or maybe St. Louis area. Chicago is also viable. Been away from the mainstream for a bit over a year, so maybe we have picked up new owner/builders in this area. If I manage to get a host, are you up to driving - or is that difficult for you at this time?

I almost have 4 complete RG’s so I could definitely get some turn out…I would drive for sure. Heck, I might be able to host it here. I am getting in with a new RC Modeler Club now…and they have some interest for a boat club. There is a great lake for hosting a nice regatta just south of me by 45 min, in Elizabethtown, Ky. Its called Freeman Lake and perfect!

Food for thought…

There is one other guy here in Louisville that has built and is building a second RG65. So there is hope!
