This seems to have pop-ups, but it doesn’t appear to make any difference whether pop-ups are enabled or disabled. Could someone explain what setting I should have, and maybe a little why?
Prillian =adds new features to phpBB that are similar to an instant messenger service (like ICQ or AOL Instant Messenger), while still being part of your forum. These features are typically accessed through the “IM Client.” The IM Client is basically a new browser window that uses combinations of HTML and JavaScript to provide a central place for accessing controls and receiving messages. Individual board users are not required to download any software to use Prillian. Prillian runs through web browsers like Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc.
Prillian’s features include user preferences, admin panel and configuration add-ons, a buddy list, an ignore list and full support for normal phpBB features like BBCode, smilies, etc.
FAQ is a bit “faqed”…should recheck why its not working
The Popup windows let you show “Prillian”, instant Messages aso…it also let you see if someone is checking your profile
Wis, on the left side of the pages, under the member’s name, is information re: that member, among that information is the listing “points”, your’s is 739 (at this time).
The Active Topic Link I was talking about is the little bell next to the topic. Unread topics are yellow once topic is read it is no longer yellow. The problem is that once I go to any one topic all of the “yellows” go out. It’s the same problem I and others had with the old site. Check the previous post in this topic.
EDIT: each time I “connect” to the forum, post or upload a pic…i get points…I guess it shows how much time you spend here…hmm that isnt good lol
The Active Topic Link I was talking about is the little bell next to the topic. ?Unread topics are yellow once topic is read it is no longer yellow. ?The problem is that once I go to any one topic all of the “yellows” go out. ?It’s the same problem I and others had with the old site. ?Check the previous post in this topic.
Hmmm…this board works on a very different way the “old” one did…so I doubt its the same problem…might ask Chad on this one…as for me, I am heding to bed 1:33AM
been tweaking the site for hours and my eyes are exploding…tomorrow is another day…