nearest chapter of FA (Footy's Anonymous)?

Man, this Footy thing is some strong stuff! All the other stuff in life to deal with and all I can do is play with 12 inch long boats. Who knew? (probably anybody that might be reading this!!!)

I understand.

My first footy is still under construction, though I made great progress in the first couple of days.

Work, classes, fiddle practice and even RC flying have taken a back seat while I read up on sailmaking and order this, that and the other on line or whatever.

Unfortunately, work, classes, fiddle practice and even RC flying still take a toll in time and the footy progresses slowly while I mull over decisions on how to do this or that.

I’ve never seen a footy or studied an RC boat close up, so I am doing a lot of inventing, but progress is being made, however slow. And I am not doing too bad on the fiddle either!


You’re preaching to the choir, for sure…lots of kindred souls here.

If you keep up this level of enthusiasm, you’ll build more boats…Then it’ll probably rub off on others who see them…Then you can get other Footy idiots together to race…Then you can be invited to become Footy Registrar for the Islands…

If you give a mouse a cookie…

Bill H


THIS is the meeting room of FA.
You see us in a big circle round the room all with varying degrees of the addiction.

Compulsive footy behavours occur in many forms. We must tell you that they cannot be cured, only controlled; and present scientific thinking is that allowing the patient small, regular doses of the boat is more humane that going “cold swan*”

The FA meeting always takes the same format. We stand up in turn among felllow-addicts and introduce ourselves:

“Hello everybody, I’m Andrew and I’m a Footy addict. I became addicted and started building before I had even seen a footy. That was in October 2007, and since then I have built three boats, raced 6 times and have another five boats under construction, two of them square-riggers and one an impossible hydrofoil. I have been fed in my addiction by Angus-the-ogre, and further
extended by many cheerful and helpful fellow sufferers”

So don’t fight the addiction, feed it judiciously!


*Turkeys are seldom encountered when sailing footys