My Hand Carved RC Sailboat

There’s not much point in explaining it here. Take a look at my site

and let me know what you think. Any suggestions? To people thinking of doing this yourselves, any questions?



From the pictures that I saw on your website, you might as well plan on not even putting lead inside your hull. If I were you at this point, I would start working on a method of tapping a pair of sockets into your keel from underneath where you can bolt on an external keel that will be used only when sailing the boat. The other times it would be removed and you might even use the sockets as mounts for a display stand. (*Just a thought) Take it from me, there is no way that you can get enough lead inside your hull to have it sail in anything more than 2 knots of wind.

Remote Control is different to Radio Control, so you could change this and it would be pretty good

I see said the blind man to the crippled nudist who put his hands & promtly walked away.

Don’t forget to visit some cool photo’s at

I don’t understand the difference. What constitutes remote control? I understand that a lot of RC systems run on AM and FM carrier waves. Is there something else that I’m missing?



To Larry,

I have already put the lead in my keel. I routered out some dep holes and poured molten lead in. It held and I tested the hull in a bathtub and it floats just fine, a bit above my design waterline…so that when I add in the guts (servos and batteries) it will float where I want it to.

When you say “you can get enough lead inside your hull to have it sail in anything more than 2 knots of wind”, is that because the boat won’t sit low enough in the water? Or because it will heel over too much in a stiff cross-wind? or because the actual keel area is too small and the boat will just side-slip on a tack? Please clarify because I want my model to work well when I get it out on the high seas.

As an afterthought, I have a couple of other small sailing boats that I talk about in the “inspiration” section of my webpage (see above) that both have leaden keels. They are both tacked onto the bottom of the hull, are about 3/4" in depth and run the entire length of the bottom of the boat. Both of these boats sail fine. Does the lengthy shallow keel achieve the same end as a longer, deeper keel like you see on the storebought models? Is there a particular kind of keel that works best on RC boats? Thanks.

