for show and tell this is my little Albert Strange canoe Yawl “Norma” that I am working on.
she’s about twenty one inches on deck, made of carved pine and she’s going to have working jib sheets.
I’ve spent a lot of time during the slow hours at work thinking about how I’m going to install the servos especially with the raked rudder post. She’s going to have a working tiller with lines leading to a deck level servo under the Cabin top, and the sail wiinch will rotate through 180 degrees also under the cabin But still peeking above deck level, and operate all three sails with a double arm. In the picture you can see how I painted the inside with shellack in case it gets water in it which always seems to happen
I consider Albert Strange to be equal to Herreshoff and as good as it gets. I’ve made another of his boats and I’m thinking of making a large model of the “Wenda” which would be a sweet boat. THere are so so many great designs of Small gentlemans sailing yachts out there that are captivating. Wish I could make them all
Anyway when I get this one going in the water I’ll definitely ad more pics.
thanks, and happy sailing!
now she She’s got a little cabin, tiller, mizzen step.
Launching of the Albert strange Norma. SHe sailed perfectly, needs some lead removed which is far easier than putting it back. I think she’s a very pretty boat.the mizzen shook loose a bit, easy to fix, other than that she sailed really well. she has a very deep fin keel added to the scale profile and an enlarged rudder.
the tiller lines worked well too. I thought she’d be hard to steer but she handles sortof like a vintage M boat
when I get my internet connection going better I’ll send more pics
I like the Idea of making a model of a dream boat that I would like to have in real life.
happy sailing
John Storrow
She is indeed a very pretty boat - my very first ‘full size’ boat was a 1922 22’ attributed to Albert Strange. She was carvel planked mahogany on oak frames and always drew admiring glances despite the fact she was constantly work in progress!! As I recall the first job was replacement garboard planks and a few new frames and ribs, followed by complete re-caulking (with cotton) and then red lead putty below the water line and white lead on the topsides. I’ve got some old photographs somewhere & if I can dig them out I’ll post one here for you to see.
I’ve always thought that carving a hull from solid timber was by far the most difficult way to produce a model hull - less margin for error - and you’ve done a fabulous job. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations.
thanks very much,
actually I find that carving a wooden hull isn’t that difficult. IT only takes time and a good drawing to start with. It also helps to have a wife who is patient when you forget to sweep up the little shavings which get tracked around the house.
here’s some more pics-
(hope this works)
for some reason I can’t upload,
will try later
A very pretty little boat and a nice model of it too.