Hello from British Columbia, Canada!

Hi folks!

I’m new to the sailing world. Amongst other things, I’m a mechanical engineering student. I am greatly interested in naval architecture, along with designing and building things (i.e. RC sailboats!). I have access to a wicked machine shop, as well as a 5 axis CNC vertical mill. I would like to get my hands on some sail plans so I can build a plug/mold on the cnc mill.

I’m pretty excited about getting starting in this hobby, and look forward to absorbing some of your knowledge!

Hi, Where are you in BC?

There is an active racing group on Vancouver Island with IOMs, and a group in Kelowna racing Victorias.


Hi John,

I’m in Victoria! What’s this group called? Do they have a website?

On a different note, I’ve come across velarc.it and I’ve requested the VOR70 plans but haven’t heard back. Any idea as to how I can get my hands on those plans?

The sailing group in Victoria is part of the Victoria Model Shipbuilding Soc.


Contact is Barry Fox. There is a link on the website.

They sail on Sundays, but Barry will fill you in.

I am in Parksville.


Im not sure a solid plug for sail making would be the best way to spend time on the machine. Too many variables in mast bend to design a plug from scratch IMO. Maybe some fin and rudder molds with different foil shapes, with a universal finbox design so they could be swapped in and out of the boat?

I actually spoke with one of my instructors today (he got me into sailing) and I showed him some r/c VOR 70. He was quite impressed. He also mentioned that it might not be the best to create a mold in a CNC machine because the finish wouldn’t be perfect. Needless to say, I would still need plans to show him :slight_smile:

Check out the CNC work on IOM hulls, fins, rudders and even bulbs for IOMs on Anders Wallin’s website, http://anderswallin.net

His setup and software give very nice finishes to the plugs he has machined from aluminum. Another material used frequently is MDF board. The plug is machined to within a few thousands, then the MDF is coated with a couple coats of epoxy that penetrates the surface a little. then the final machining leaves a finish ready fine wet sanding and polishing. Check some threads in the “composites” forum at rcgroups.com