Hi all! -
As I haven’t seen a lot of action or discussion here lately, I’m restarting my rc-multihull-activities! -
New pics, ideas and designs can be seen on: http://community.webshots.com/user/boatbuilder
and in the technical discussions area of this forum!
Best wishes, Ernst Zemann/Austria
Professional shipwright - boatbuilder/-designer with 25 years of experience and a special interest in multhulls
Hi Ernst,
That’s some great looking work. Can you give a little more detail on how you shaped the foam? Will this be covered with glass cloth or is the foam simply going to be used as a mold? Did you used cross section templates & hot wire to cut sections of hull and then glue the pieces together? They look like they were shaped out of one piece. If it is one piece, can you share the techniques used to get the proper shape?
and everybody else,
who may be interested in my
selfdeveloped building technology! -
Jean Margail’s way to do it isn’t too bad, but my own method is much more effective and also a lot more precise! -
And my hulls become a lot lighter too! -
But remember this:
To know, HOW I’m doing it,
doesn’t necessarily mean,
you can do it as well! -
It takes a lot of experience
and training,
to shape them as precise as I can do it! -
But why shouldn’t we make a game out of this question?
“The first one, who is able to tell the exact sequence of HOW I’m shaping my foam plugs, will get a complete set of selfbuilding plans of my new F60 “Evolution” for FREE! -”
nobody cause we all know you won’t send anything as usual!
!!let it begin!! oh and look what I found:
<font size=“1”>“As I have absolutely NO INTENTION, to SELL any F60’s - there is no reason for me, to make any false PR or so - it’s just what I have observed.
Ernst”</font id=“size1”> was in another post you made some time ago…