Footy Seniors website launched

Hi. This is a message from Ted and Susan Van Syckel (member of this forum). We’re Footy skippers in Oregon, USA. We’ve just launched the Footy Seniors website, a resource we developed for use in radio sailing workshops we’ll be holding at senior centers in the Northwest. While the site is called Footy Seniors, the subject is really r/c model yachting for beginners with the Footy as the recommended first model. Much of the information could apply to building and sailing any r/c model yacht. (And we’re just so taken with the Footy.) We invite your comments and suggestions. The URL for the site is Thanks.

Dear Ted & Susan
May I be the first to congratulate you on an excellent website ~ lots of interesting information in a very readable format

Well done if you need any other info please let me know
Best wishes

What Andy said…

It was worth the wait. :slight_smile:

WOW! That is a very comprehensive site. Lots and lots of information.
It’ll take a few night of surfing for sure, to ingest all that info.

Congrats to ya’s, on such a fine venture! :slight_smile:

looks like a great site…congrats!