Footy Rule Ballot Aug-Sept 2009

The motion has been passed by 128 votes in favour versus 32 votes against.
The effective date is NOW.

So that’s the end of the 305 mm rig and restrictions on rig numbers. Build on people.

Great; I have all the materials and as soon as my left arm starts working again Iwill sart cutting and rigging
Mark :D:D:D:D

Get to it sir!

Depends on the neurologist

I know the feeling all too well!


My left arm is not on speaking terms with the rest of me, it might be damage caused by my fall, or the fall might have triggered something entirely different, I am waiting for the results of a cat scan… Time will tell
Mark :smiley:

What a great result.
128 to 32 is a pretty convincing vote to end any rig restrictions and is in my humble opinion a true representation of the feeling of the class as it stands at the moment.
I have heard on the grapevine that there are some who are grumpy with the result and are claiming that the vote was not fairly conducted or some such rubbish. :devil3:
To those I would say “get over it” the feeling of the class has been for some time that the rig restrictions were not desirable for various parts of the worlds weather patterns where FOOTYs may sail.
So those who care have stepped up and voted to change the rules to make it better for all. Well done lads. :zbeer:

It is interesting to note that the number of voters for the most recent Footy rules ballot is significantly higher than than last year’s ballot (an increase of well over 50%). This is somewhat encouraging in light of an apparent loss of interest in the Footy class in some of the clubs where it once was quite popular. Does anyone have recent stats on how many actual Footy sailors (not boat numbers) are actually active?


Activity is difficult to track. The response to a ballot is probably as close as you’re going to get. It’s not a complete measure but a good indication.

What does “active” mean anyway? Sailing, racing, attending regattas, paying attention to the administration of the class? I just found out about a large nearby fleet of Footys, RG65s, and a few other classes that are mostly happy puttering around their own pond. They don’t register boats, belong to the AMYA, or attend outside regattas. One skipper wanting more serious racing is headed to our club for a visit. That’s how I found out they even existed.

I’m tired from the day, but a quick note.

The Region 1 Footy Championship was today in New Hampshire. Great day, good boats VERY close racing. Everyone started on A rigs, then changed down to B as the wind picked up later in the morning.

It all went smoothly, and I firmly believe the racing was closer as a result of being able to better match rigs to wind than was possible under the prior rule.


Fair question, John.

Actually, I think “active” would mean all or at least most of those things (plus “designing” & “building”). I’m not sure what constitutes “serious”, however. Of course, then there’s the question of frequency, I think sailing with other boats on any regular basis, even if just or fun without keeping score would count as active and at least somewhat serious.

When we started sailing Vortex Soling M’s in Miami, at a lake in front of Baptist Hospital in 1973, we started with just two boats. People would stop and ask questions, get handed a transmitter, and the number of boats quickly grew to include Santa Barbaras, EC12 meters, other Marbleheads (like Yankee, Epic & Secret), a J boat, and 36/600’s. Later on, the smaller sized Blackstars appeared, and some are still racing at that lake.

Of course, unlike Footys, all of those boats were big enough to be seen from a good distance, and were pretty impressive, just based on size alone. I think the Footys small size, while being an advantage in many ways, actually makes it harder for someone not already involved, to take seriously, and that’s a shame.


Hi Bill,

I wouldn’t set the bar very high to be called active. Build a boat have fun sailing it. If you haven’t put it on the shelf for more than a year, you’re active.

By serious racing I just mean folks willing to run a start tape and race by the rules. We had 2 skippers visit the lake today from that group I mentioned. They seemed to have fun and we hope to have them back. Their home group doesn’t have anyone that wants to circle marks. Building and sailing around and comparing boats is plenty for them.

Happy sailing


Bill, I think your point about Footy size being a double-edged sword is well taken. Recently, though, I’ve noticed that people are very impressed when they see a Footy sailing well in 15+ mph winds. That gets their attention, and sends a clear message that Footys are serious boats, indeed.

I suggest we head for the pond on any nice day with strong winds and let people see what Footys can do. :zbeer:
