Footy Page now on AMYA website

Bill Hagerup and I have put together a Footy page for the AMYA website and it is now on-line at The Footy is now in the class list page and on the size comparison page as well.


Well Done Lads. The effort will be rewarded with more interest I am sure.

Hooray! It is nice to see it there!

Many thanks for your efforts Doug and Bill, that is a nice introduction you have put together. I am sure that we will see interest grow with the Footy now having it’s place there.


Isn’t that Bill’s daughter? The picture looks familiar.

I don’t really care for the statement that “Footys have been built with… swing rigs” when we have stated here that Brett’s rig design is just a “stayless rig” of bermuda design, and doesn’t actually swing about the mast point.

Roger Stollerys “Bug” design with yep…a swing rig

No Tomo, I have granddaughters older than that! The pic originally came from the British MYA site when they announced the Footy design competition that kicked off their recognition of the class. Charles got it from them and put it on the Footy website, too.

Bill H

Do you know Chris Columbus personally, too??:wink: :smiley: