First Timer RC Sailing

Hi, my name is Rick and I recently completed a Tiger Victoria to learn on and share with my grand kids. It’s built, rigging checked by local hobby shop and ready to go, I think :). We have a fair sized pond within our community that I can try it out in but I have no idea what to expect once it’s in the water. I’ve done some sailing on 30’ sailboat but not 36" ones. I guess my biggest fear it the thing heels over and I got a couple hundred bucks laying on the bottom. Any tips to get started with some confidence? Thanks.

verify that the hull is not leaking in the bath or pool or anything else where you can check it without let her going ! Check also that once manually heeled is recovering the up condition !

Hi Rick,

Just adding to what Claudio has advised, also consider laying the boat on its side on a table with the rig hanging out over the floor and then ‘play’ the sheeting stick on the Tx in & out (until you’re bored!!) to ensure there are no issues with the sail winch (whether drum or arm type) servo. If it can be set up in such a way that the rudder cannot hit anything do the same for the rudder servo. Finally, carry out whatever test you can imagine to satisfy yourself that the deck hatch doesn’t leak…



Thanks guys, tried you tips, went down to the lake, and actually did ok! No issue, looking forward to spending a little more on the next trip down to the lake.

wait until you find someone else to race against… then the fun really begins…