Hello all,
So, I’m making progress and am finding myself questioning a few things. While I will still need some guidance on some matters, most of my biggest questions have ultimately to do with weight. More specifically I’m finding myself obsessing about losing it, or not putting it on in the first place… maybe I’ve been reading too many of you race minded individuals posts? Perhaps I’m getting sucked further down this Footy hole??? Please no, I don’t want to turn out like all of you!!!(big joke guys, I can think of a lot worse!)
Seriously, does weight matter that much? I’ve done a float test with rudder, keel (aprox 170 gr), and electronics (sans batteries) installed and it looks right. If anything it appears to sit a little high with the bottom of the stern at water level and plenty of bow above water. While I have not been able to weigh her yet (no scale) I’m not in danger of overloading, so does it really matter if I add a little more weight. What is the major disadvantage to a slightly heavier boat? It seems counterintuitive to go to such lenghts to make a boat as lite as possible to then add extra weight intentionally to the keel? After all, doesn’t weight added to any part of the boat just add to the total? thoughts…
PS-I understand about the function of keel weight, and also the effect of excessive deck loading, I’m just asking about the disadvantage of a slightly heavier construction.