Class Update

It is time for the dreaded database update, and this will be the first one of these for the US RG65 Class in almost three years. The US RG65 class has grown to include approximately 110 members, and there seems to be a significant number of people building and sailing these boats who are not yet members. I have sent an email to the members asking for contact and boat information, but this post is only about collecting boat statistics.

If you are a member and answered my email, thank you!
If you are a member and did not get my email, it is because I have a bad email address for you. Please send me a PM with your correct email.

If you are not a member of the US RG65 Class, please share some information about your boats and a general location. Once the data is collected, I will share the statistics on which hull designs and rig types are being used. It should be interesting. Thanks in advance for your help. Here are the questions:

  1. State in which you live? (No, confusion is not an appropriate answer! It might be true, but I am looking for geographic data.)

  2. Are you a member of any R/C sailing clubs? If yes, which ones.

  3. Boat information - please provide hull design and rig type for your:
    A. Completed boats
    B. In-process boats
    C. Planned boats for the near future

Please send me private email messages at


Eric Rosenbaum
USA #11