Carbon Simitara

Carbon fiber simitara

still in the build stage…hull with keel trunk, and rudder post 120 grams…

it will replace my alabcore…


Did you do a layup on top of a hull?


yes I did. Scott came over and we laid up his glass hull. so after that came off of craigs styrene hull, I laid up the carbon… alot of sanding and finishing though to get a smooth surface on the outside of the hull…

sea trials later today…

1170gm ready to sail… I screwed up the deck. in that the first deck was cut too small. the second deck was a nice fit, but I did a poor job of trimming the the hull. and when I drizzled epoxy in to mate the deck/hull together, the thickened expoy started cooking off too soon and I ended up with a glob of epoxy at the drain hole in the bow. so I tried ot add some heat to make it flow a bit better… and I cooked some epoxy on the hull… DOH… oh well. it still sits on the waterline fine. I had it in a a friends swimming pool to check…


" Well, a few weeks ago I destroyed my carbon simatara… so I started a new build "


Amazing what a car door, yeah thats what it was, :drink::drink:, can do to a carbon fiber hull…