Breath down one's neck

Saying in:
Please fill in the missing one’s ?

“Behind bars”=“Hinter Scwedischen Gardinen”=“Att skaka galler”

?=“Haar an den Z?hnen”=“Skinn p? n?san”

“Breath down one’s neck”=?=“Att jaga n?gon med bl?slampa”

“To come from behind”=?=“Att komma underifr?n”


There you go… I did some corrections too:

“Behind bars”=“Hinter Schwedischen Gardinen”=“Att skaka galler”

?=“Haare an den Z?hnen”=“Skinn p? n?san”

“Breath down one’s neck”=Den Atem im Nacken=“Att jaga n?gon med bl?slampa”

My guess would be:
“To come from behind”=“in den R?cken fallen”=“Att komma underifr?n” (the German saying is close to ‘attack from behind’. Don’t know if this is what you mean.)


Booster, any bored up North???

_/ if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it! _

Thanks, Deckard. Wis, yes bored.
?=“Auf dem langen Bank tragen”=“Att dra i l?ngb?nk”
?=“Die Katze in dem Sack kaufen”=“Att k?pa grisen i s?cken”
“To point low and come high”=?=“Att peka l?gt och komma h?gt”

holy cow, you must be bored…[:D]

?=“Auf die lange Bank schieben”=“Att dra i l?ngb?nk”
?=“Die Katze im Sack kaufen”=“Att k?pa grisen i s?cken”
“To point low and come high”=?ber das Ziel hinausschiessen=“Att peka l?gt och komma h?gt” - I think the meaning is about the same.
this is the online dictionary of the technical University Munich. Its the best English - German - English dictionary I’ve seen so far. Give it a try. It even works with phrases…

Yea bored!
“When the cat is gone the rats dance on the table”=“Da die Katze weg ist die R?tzen tanzen auf dem Tisch”=“N?r katten ?r borta dansar r?ttorna p? bordet”

“No cow on the ice”=“Keine Kuh am Eis”=“Ingen ko p? isen”
“You can best help yourself”=“Selbst bist besten hilfe”=“Sj?lv ?r b?ste dr?ng”
“Coriousity killed the cat”=“Korsetten die Katze sterben”=“Nyfikenhet d?dade katten”

mmmh… seems I am bored too…

“When the cat is gone the rats dance on the table”=“Ist die Katze aus dem Haus, tanzen die M?use”=“N?r katten ?r borta dansar r?ttorna p? bordet”

“No cow on the ice”="-------"=“Ingen ko p? isen” -> Never heard anything like it. There is a saying thou: “Ist’s dem Esel zu wohl, geht er aufs Eis.” which means: “if the donkey feels too comfortable, he goes for a walk on the ice.”

“You can best help yourself”=“Hilf dir selbst, dann hilft dir Gott”=“Sj?lv ?r b?ste dr?ng”
-> means: “help yourself, then god will help you too.”

“Coriousity killed the cat”="-----"=“Nyfikenhet d?dade katten” -> nothing in German that I know of. Neither the direct translation, nor the same meaning.

There are quite big regional differences thou, so maybe someone from northern Germany knows…

“It is eating me”=“Es geht mich so auf dem Sack”=“Det g?r mig p? nerverna”

that’s rude… and the wrong case.

“It is eating me”=“Es geht mir so auf dem Sack”=“Det g?r mig p? nerverna”

Yea bored, what abot this one?
“It is really eating me”=“Es geht mir so auf den Eiern”=“Det g?r mig verkligen p? nerverna”

wrong grammar again, but otherwise correct.

“It is really eating me”=“Es geht mir so auf die Eier”=“Det g?r mig verkligen p? nerverna”

“To kill two birds with one stone”=“Zu zwei Fligen in einem Splatz toten”=“Att sl? tv? flugor i en sm?ll”

“To be caught with the pants down”=“Zu die Lederhosen and den Fussbj?llen ertappt werden bleiben”=“Att bli ertappad med byxorna vid fotabj?llet”


“To kill two birds with one stone”=“Zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen.”=“Att sl? tv? flugor i en sm?ll”

“To be caught with the pants down”=“Mit heruntergelassenen Hosen erwischt werden”=“Att bli ertappad med byxorna vid fotabj?llet”

“To get caught with the beard in the mailbox”=“Mit den Bard ins Briefsfack erwischt werden”=“Att fastna med sk?gget i brevl?dan”


Correct grammar would be “Mit dem Bart im Briefkasten erwischt werden.”
But I don’t know this saying. I would rather use the one with ‘pants down’. I guess it means pretty much the same.

And now Spanish!
“To scratch one’s balls”=“Die Eier kratzen”=“Att dra f?tterna efter sig”=“Rascandose los huevos”

Booster i don’t know how old are you, but if you are still going to school, this is a good trick to get your homework done…[:D]

“Kintama kaku” Sorry, cant write kanji here [:(]

_/ if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it! _

only sailors get blown off shore
nur Seeleute erhalten weggeblasenes Ufer

I have to admit that I left school a long time ago. I am 44. Morales, I try to convert into Swedish (do you have it in Spanish, I try):
only sailors get blown off shore
nur Seeleute erhalten weggeblasenes Ufer
endast seglare ?ker p? en bl?sning
Rascandose los huevos los meeros