Now that the ballot has been closed, awaiting the results, I would like to add my own opinion about this point ( change of sail area within a rig )
My humble opinion is very simple : I have been the real target of this proposal ( not spinnakers ) 
The story :
In the past, I have built several model ( free sailing and rc ) fitted with “reefable” mainsails.( see pictures below )
No high-tech, just brass wire, wood, glue and a bit of strings.
I have installed such exotic trick even on sailing models half the size of a footy ( 6’’ more or less )
By the way, due to the fact that I am a sailing instructor too, I have used such models also as teaching tools , showing how to reef, and different behaviour of the model before and after sail reduction.
When I started to design a model to enter EURO GP 2008, I discovered that wind speed to be expected at Liverpool was 10-12 kts as average, with sudden changes from 5 to 30 kts within the same afternoon .
For this reason it seemed to me a logical choice to take advantage of this trick to change sail area according weather situation
Due to the fact that I was not sure about rule compliance of this detail, I have ( on 4th of june 2008 ) written on official “request for rule interpretation”, and before going to liverpool with my ITA 5 - Folgore - I received a green light .
( as you can see on the footy official website )
Conclusions :
A reefing rig is an easy, simple and interesting option
If one of our goals, is to avoid costs and complication increase ( an infinite number of rig of different size ) this is an easy solution
I have been very surprised that proposal 3b has not been enclosed to “rig group proposals” ( 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d )
It seems to me not so smart to allow "the use of scissors in extreme conditions " instead of low tech reefing pennant.
I have made an enlarged photocopy of following words to be added to my Folgore papers : " Beware : there is such a thing as a high tech gaff cutter "
[FONT=“Book Antiqua”]In any case, even if my opinion about the point is very clear , I will accept our democratic ballot, and I will design my next boats in accordance to new rules.
All considered , even such small “legal wars” are parts of our model game ( on a scale of one to a million to america’s cup lawyers )
ps : meantime I have invented something else 
see below - a six inches “whoopy” sailing with first reef at mainsail, and Babau sailing in fine weather showing reefing outfitting