At the Italian Footy Class sailors

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An die Italienischen Footy Class Segler

Ich möchte mich nach langer Überlegung heute besonders an die Italienischen Footy Class Segler wenden.

  1. Im vergangenem Jahr wurde am 02.08.2013 in diesem Forum C.Vigada die Segelnummer vom italienischen Registrar entzogen.
    Wir wurden als Mitglieder der IFCA im Vorfeld der Entscheidung von Flavio informiert. .Es wurde darüber gesprochen , aber eine 2/3 Mehrheit wurde nicht erreicht. Es wurde deutlich gemacht , dass eine Entscheidung über den Entzug einer Segelnummer nur eine nationale Angelegenheit sein kann. Persönlich habe ich Flavios Entscheidung akzeptiert, da ich angenommen habe , dass es sich bei der Entscheidung die Segelnummer zu entziehen, durch eine schwerwiegende Verfehlung hervorgerufen wurde.
    Ich habe keine öffentliche Genehmigung erteilt. Es gibt keine Kommentare von mir in den Foren darüber. Aus der Mitteilung von Flavio ist zu erkennen, dass alle 18 Mitglieder zugestimmt haben und das ich dann die Genehmigung ausgesprochen habe. Das kann man aber so nicht mehr sehen. Es zeigt sich aber jetzt, dass die Entscheidung nicht angemessen war.
    Deshalb unterstütze ich den Vorschlag die Eintragung vom 02.08.2013 zu löschen. Ich bitte den Moderator des Forums , Dick Lemke die Eintragung zu entfernen.
    Ich möchte hervorheben das Claudio V. im letzten Jahr eine gute Arbeit für die Footy Class gemacht hat. Ihm ist es zu verdanken , dass diese Klasse in Italien noch bekannter geworden ist.Er hat Messen und Ausstellungen genutzt die Footy Class in Italien vorzustellen. Besonders sein Kinder und Jugend Projekt EASY III hat die Klasse in Italien und darüber hinaus (auch in Deutschland wurde ein EASY Projekt ins Leben gerufen) bekannt gemacht. Eine gut gemachte HP informiert über die Vielseitigkeit der Footy Class. Sie wird international sehr stark beachtet.

  2. Ich möchte die italienischen Footy Class Mitglieder bitten zu überlegen, ob es nicht richtiger wäre, einen neuen (kann auch der alte sein) Registrar zu bestimmen/wählen . Um wieder Ruhe in die Footy Class in Italien zu bekommen, sollten die Mitglieder der Footy Class Italiens hinter ihrem Registrar stehen.

  3. Ich würde mich freuen , wenn das Italienische Footy Team am Footy Gold Cup 2015 in Salem/Deutschland teilnimmt. Es werden alle sich meldende Footy Segler teinehmen können. Der Eingang der Meldungen ist entscheidend. (sollte aber 40 Teilnehmer nicht überschreiten. In kürze wird es eine englische Übersetzung geben. Eine gesonderte Footy Gold Cup 2015 HP wird es in kürze geben. Ich werde dann erneut berichten.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen aus Deutschland

Thomas Grimm
Koordinator der IFCA und Registrar für Deutschland

(Please excuse my translation into English with Google. Unfortunately I can not find anyone who can make me a translation)

At the Italian Footy Class sailors

I would like to particularly apply after much consideration today of the Italian Footy Class sailors.
1. In the last year, the sail number was withdrawn by Italian Registrar on 02.08.2013 in this forum C.Vigada.
We were informed as members of the IFCA in advance of the decision of Flavio. .It Has been talked about, but a 2/3 majority was not reached. It was made clear that a decision to withdraw a sail number may be only a national issue. Personally, I have Flavios decision accepted because I assumed that it was to withdraw in deciding the sail number, was caused by a serious misconduct.
I have issued no public approval. There are no comments from me on the forums about it. From the release of Flavio is to recognize that all 18 members have agreed and I then issued the permit. The but you can not see it. But it turns out now that the decision was not appropriate.
Therefore, I support the proposal from the registration 08/02/2013 whatsoever. I ask the moderator of the forum, Dick Lemke to remove the entry.
I would like to emphasize that Claudio V. has done a good job for the Footy Class last year. It is due to that this class has become more popular in Italy ist.Er fairs and exhibitions has used the Footy Class present in Italy. Especially his children and youth project EASY III has the class in Italy and beyond (also in Germany was an EASY project launched) made known. A well-crafted HP informed about the versatility of the Footy Class. She is internationally highly respected.

  1. I would like to ask the Italian Footy Class Members to consider whether it would not be correct, a new (may be old) Registrar to determine / choose. To get back peace in the Footy Class in Italy, the members of the Footy Class of Italy should stand behind their registrar.

  2. I would be happy if the Italian Footy Footy team at the Gold Cup in 2015 participates in Salem / Germany. It will all be notifying Footy sailors can teinehmen. The entrance of the messages is crucial. (but should not exceed 40 participants. In brief, there will be an English translation. A separate Footy Gold Cup 2015 HP will be there soon. I will write again.

Kind regards from Germany

Thomas Grimm
Coordinator of IFCA and registrar for Germany

would be better to specify wich Claudio you are referring too to avoid unpleasant misunderstandig by this forum readers !
My name is also Claudio and appearing, since long, with the pseudo “ClaudioD” and very often called simply Claudio by my friends and having nothing to do with that affair that concern only Claudio Vigada.
Hope you will understand this message even written in English
Please act asap !

reference to :

I would like to emphasize that Claudio has done a good job for the Footy Class last year. It is due to that this class has become more popular in Italy ist.Er fairs and exhibitions has used the Footy Class present in Italy. Especially his children and youth project EASY III has the class in Italy and beyond (also in Germany was an EASY project launched) made known. A well-crafted HP informed about the versatility of the Footy Class. She is internationally highly respected.UNQUOTE”

As moderator, I concur with Claudio D’s request.

Claudio Diolaiti (who penned the above response is from France). He is better known as the “guy who provides all the cool and beautiful monohull boat designs” Many of them posted in the design area and labeled “FREE”. I believe he has also offered some Footy Class designs in the past.

Claudio Vigada (from Italy) is primarily a Footy Class promoter in Italy.

It would be helpful to readers if you post and refer to them using their last name initial. (ClaudioD or ClaudioV)


You can be right, but at this point I’d like to emphasize that it is too easy for him to do a good job when he is the de-facto dictator of the only good italian forum about rc sail yacths, where he sistematically silenced (removing the posts or banning the user, just ask to Claudio D.) all the voices which are critical with him.

He also used legal thread against various Italian footy skippers which are critical with him.

I’d like also to remember that he removed posts which are trying to defend the IFCA members after the Gold Cup in Le Havre from the attacks of some low sports italian skippers, thus giving his implicit approval to these insults.

All of this just to remember who he is.

  1. I would like to ask the Italian Footy Class Members to consider whether it would not be correct, a new (may be old) Registrar to determine / choose. To get back peace in the Footy Class in Italy, the members of the Footy Class of Italy should stand behind their registrar.

To this date, the registar is still Flavio Faloci, and I seem to remember that he (Flavio) is the only one that can leave the position, according to the IFCA charter.

So following your own words, the members should stand behind Flavio and enforce the ban, and he (Claudio V). must accept the decision or the outcome of a discussion.
