Just a reminder that the AMYA elections are here and you (if a member) should see the ballot as part of your quarterly magazine.
There still are plenty of issues needing to be addressed by the current executive board, some having been brought to their attention a year ago without any activity or resolution. It is time to review your regional directors if they are up for re-election, and I would strongly recommend your support of:
[COLOR=Blue]Rick West - Region 6 /COLOR
Ray Seta - Region 5 (Texas)
Frank Vella - Region 4 (Michigan/Wisconsin/Minnesota)
Jack Wubbe - Region 3 (Florida)
I would also suggest a NO VOTE on ByLaw M3 (BL-M3 - to combine president and vice president on the same ballot vote.)
The current method of each being voted on separately provides another level of checks and balances on the executive board. If approved, it would be an automatic two votes before anyone votes. Is is “suggested” that by having co-operative candidates, it would improve the ability to work together. MY VIEW - there already is a proven “clique” on the executive board - this by-law change would simply enforce that 2-person vote. Candidates for executive office MUST be able to work with all elected officers and directors, FOR THE BENEFIT of the organization, not for the benefit of the executive board.
It is time to remove some of the the incumbents as they simply aren’t doing their jobs - or communicating with members.
If, for some reason, you need to know more, simply visit the following threads on the WINDPOWERwebsite. A few of the posts, and views by other “senior” AMYA members offer a small snapshot of how the current administration manages the affairs of it’s members.
I know many just want to sail and not get involved in the politics, but apparent disregard for Bylaws and Constitution, questionable accounting practices, and in general poor communications and member relations all lead me to endorse the above candidates.
Please do your part, vote ONLY for the regional director where you live (your vote is nullified if you vote for someone out of your region), and let’s get back to a board that is responsive to the needs of the members - NOT the needs or egos of the current executive administration.
Please vote if you are a member of AMYA !
Some background discussion of why it is important to “clean house” and establish new directors willing to work on behalf of members - not the executive board.
If you are paying your dues, be aware of how the organization is being run - or not.
Thank you from me personally for your considerations.
Dick Lemke
Former member #11530