As I have said before, my electronics knowledge is short, and very limited. I read, take the average suggestions and buy accordingly. Normally this works well for me, but to disect problems with the radio stuff is something I seldom try - or need to do.
This weekend, I had a Hi-Tech 815BB sail arm servo (1/4 scale) attack me with some some strange and never before observed behaviour. Just wondering if any one can provide a suggestion of something I might have missed - short of replacement time…
As noted - it is the big HiTech servo with single arm sail control. I also am using a small rudder servo - both mounted to a narrow, in line radio board. Upon firing up the Tx with Rx plugged in, the rudder stick worked fine, left and right worked. The sail servo would work to pull in the sails, but reversing the stick direction failed to generate any movement in the sail arm. Turn off the Tx and physically move arm back to full-out sheet position, move stick to mid-point, turn on Tx and servo arm moves to half-in position and stops. Would not return, but would move to complete in-haul.
So - I pulled entire radio board, and proceeded to test. Reversing plugs at the receiver confirmed both Tx and Rx worked, as now the reversed sticks controlled the opposite receiver function. (i.e. - former rudder stick now controlled one direction only winch arm, while the former winch stick now controlled the rudder servo in both left/right direction).
After several different checks to verify the “Y” Harness and all plugs were clean, I have narrowed it down to the fact that the 815BB servo has now only one direction, and will not respond to opposite control stick movement.
Here comes the question - “Is it worth sending the servo in for exam and repair, or for the $60 (US) am I just better off to place in a dumpster and add a new servo to my order from the hobby shop?” I am just guessing the guys will have a minimum “bench charge” of $45 - so any costs to repair bring me closer to the cost of a new servo. Perhaps it is only a bad pot - or whatever … but then again, I may be overlooking something with my limited radio knowledge. Building boats I can do - troubleshooting beyond electronic basics (switching plugs and verifying batteries are installed correctly is about my limit).
Any help or suggestions appreciated. I have about two weeks before my next sailing date - but I do have a back-up 815 I will probably install. I just don’t know if it makes sense to fool with the bad one.