This event will be hosted by the Trinity River Yacht Club (AMYA Club #10) at Corinthian Sailing Club / White Rock Lake Dallas TX on April 5 & 6
The Host Committee will soon have an online registration and website built for the event and will post the NOR here in the next few weeks.
The TRYC is one of the founding clubs for 2 classes in the US; IOMs & Victorias. We are also leading the charge to expand the RG65 class in the US and we had 18 boats sail in our inaugural RG65 event last March. We sailed both days of the event in winds of 15-30 MPH!!!
In 2013, The Club transferred our venerable White Rock Cup from the long standing Victoria Class fleet trophy and have made it an RG65 trophy going forward. This will be the 15th year for the trophy. The defender of the Cup this year is Eric Rosenbaum
We are also embracing the DF RG65 One Design as our club’s entry level boat going forward. and will have a separate awards classification for the boats conforming to the One design rules in the National Championship Regatta. We will adopt the most current UK DF One Design rules and support the class at the club level as well as in this annual regatta and this years NCR.
We cordially invite our fellow RG65 skippers to make the trek for this event!
Chuck LeMahieu
Commodore TRYC
White Rock Cup / RG65 US Nationals Regatta Chairman
Just FYI, last year we had decided to combine the White Rock Cup with results from both the RG65 regatta and our annual IOM regatta, the Dallas Blowout in order to attract some IOM skippers to the combined event. ( and also had indications of some visitors from Brazil, which never happened due to the IOM regatta filling up in 18 HRS!!) The winner of the RG65 Region 5 regatta was Lech Arcizewski who beat Eric by 4 points.
This year and going forward the Cup will be awarded for the RG65 event only.
Just an observation … unlike many southern and western clubs and sailors, some of us “up in the great white north” are lucky to see open water that early in the spring - let alone have any stick time to get rid of the winter cobwebs. Would be nice if the class continued to have their “National” championships late summer/ early fall so sailors have a chance to get back in the groove, get things sorted for boats that are put away in November, and basically “get used” to sailing once again.
Only a suggestion - and based on many of my past big boat championships.
I understand your concern Dick, however, there are several factors to consider for our club hosting a regatta.
Weather: This is Texas… so the later in the year we go, the less wind there usually is and the hotter it gets. Sailing RC boats in TX in 90-100 degree heat with no wind for 8 hours… does not make for a “fun” regatta
Also in Spring we normally get very steady north or south winds which make it very easy for us to set up good course with good sight lines.
Sailing Facilities: We sail at the Corinthian Sailing Club in Dallas which is a first rate facility. We are members of this club , but we also endeavour to avoid conflicting with the normal big boat sailing calendar. We have hosted events here for over 12 years and want to remain “good Neighbors” Late April and May and the temperate Fall months are full of massive sail events and also huge running/walking events at White Rock Lake where we sail, which actually close the Lake down at times. Another huge timing factor.
Host Club: TRYC has hosted some of the longest currently running continual regattas in RC sailing in the US. We know how much we can commit to when bidding and hosting an event. These dates are best for our club and our members. Most of our visitors love our site & venue, and make many return trips.
Tradition: The White Rock Cup has been held in March or April for over 15 years
Although your point is well taken Dick, and we would like to accommodate the needs of all skippers for a national championship event, The Host Committee needs to keep the factors listed above as our top priority.
I hope you can thaw out and join us…
Dick it is a first rate facility
and while I agree that the NCR should be later in the season… its is nice to have some major regatta’s early in the season so those who like to travel are not stuck traveling to all the big regatta’s late in the season.
Registration is now Open for the 2014 US RG65 National Championship / White Rock Cup at;
If you are planning to enter, please do so earlier rather than later. It makes things so much easier for the event coordinators.
The venue and on-the-water clubhouse at CSC can easily handle 30+ skippers and the boats/gear. That can be important if the weather gets marginal. In early April, we should be pretty safe - as in warm and breezy, but always be prepared for rain, lots of wind, and the occasional late-season cold front. The averages for early April are these:
High 73F
Low 54F
Wind 11-17 mph
Here are the details:
It should be a great time - don’t miss it!
Folks, this venue should be on your “bucket list” of places to sail…
The folks at white rock know how to host an event…
Thanks Marc!
So, are you going to be able to come back to Dallas - bringing your newest secret weapon?
my secret weapon…“how to open the fridge and begin drinking early”???
sorry won’t be able to make it. wife will be unemployed as of jan 31 so travel sailing is going to take a hit until she gets back on the horse, so to speak…
Howdy guys here is some video of our News Year’s Day Match Racing using Dragon Force RG65s / Winds 20-22 / Commentary Brig North
Will give an Idea of our venue and what winds can be like at White Rock Lake occasionally :
looks like a light air day…no whitecaps…
Oh it was white cappin … just not apparent in that video
Winds picked up to 28-30 later and we had to stop/// no B rigs for the DFs… lol
2014 RG65 US NCR / White Rock Cup Entry List
Skipper City State Sail # Hull
Tony Gonsalves Hollywood, FL BAR 51 Incoming
Larry Grant Los Angeles, CA USA 03 Goth Evo
Craig Huzway Silver Spring, MD USA 58 Pakinto
Brig North Dallas, TX USA 34 *DragonForce
Chuck LeMahieu Richardson, TX USA 09 *DragonForce
Roy Cundiff Corsicana, TX USA 172 Wahoo
Richard Ball Denver, CO USA 40 *DragonForce
Stephen Bailey Los Lunas, NM USA 67 ABQ 65
Gary Boell Richmond, CA USA 16 Missile
Mauricio Dantas Dallas, TX USA 71 Stinger
19 entries so far, with about 60 days to go. I think another 8-10 entries are possible.
Should be a great event!
We are now at 22 Entries with 30 days to go! :bouncy:
Don’t miss out on this great event! Check out the info at
Here is the Entry List so far:
Entry List
2014 RG65 US NCR / White Rock Cup Entry List
(* = Dragon Force One Design Entry)
First Name Last Name City State Sail # RG65 Hull Design
Chuck LeMahieu Richardson TX 09 *Dragon Force
Tony Gonsalves Hollywood FL BAR 51 Incoming Missile
Larry Grant Los Angeles CA 03 Goth
Craig Huzway Silver Spring MD 58 Pakinto
Brig North Dallas TX 34 *Dragon Force
Roy Cundiff Corsicana TX 172 Wahoo
Richard Ball Denver CO 40 *Dragon Force
Stephen Bailey Los Lunas NM 67 ABQ-65
Gary Boell Richmond CA 16 Missile
Lech Arciszewski Brooklyn NY 72 TBA
Eric Rosenbaum Garland TX 11 Mako
Hew Hamilton Mandeville LA 44 *Dragon Force
Bob Piper Lewisville TX 65 *Dragon Force
Fred Sheldon The Woodlands TX 23 *Dragon Force
Allen Buzzell Albuquerque NM 28 *Dragon Force
Richard Hoffman Dallas TX 22 *Dragon Force
Mauricio Dantas Euless TX 71 Stinger
Ernest Thorpe Ventura CA 97 Blue Splash
Gino Arrue Katy TX 48 *Dragon Force
J C Greenlee Hudson Oaks TX 264 *Dragon Force
Chuck Williams Frisco TX 20 Little Best
John Davis Johnston IA 84 *Dragon Force
Hi Marc - just catching up on some posts.
I don’t have a problem if the event is based on local guys/clubs and even if a Regional event. I do see a “bit” of unfairness in having someone with a “few days” (50 or more) of minus temps, hauling out a “summer toy”, driving/flying the distance only to have to learn all over again how to race/sail. A number of races prior to a NATIONAL event where a possible attendee would have a couple of months worth of racing to get rid of winter cobwebs and get back into a groove for starting sequences, boat handling and rig tuning.
Might be something to include in the USA Class Owners Association Rules - all NCR events will be held after June - to at least encourage those who are not snowbirds to attend. July-August-and September are light winds, while September - October - and November are stronger winds. (usually)
I guess so much for positive promotion of the NCR… 
I know I wont be voting for that… having run so many regattas I am all in favor of letting the Club who puts in the bid and the effort to host a regatta , host it whenever it works best for them…
yeah you mentioned that in post #3 I think…
yes the snow birds, and folks living where the water doesn’t get hard, have an advantage on early regionals/NCR’s
Unless you are retired, you’ll never ever get to sail all the events you want. heck even if you are retired, you still may not get to sail all the events you want.
I’d love to go to the Vic NCR, Soling NCR, canadian SOling NCR and RG nCR, every year… and if they are all at the end of the season up against regional events couple that with local events, and club racing, and work and familial obligation, it makes for a crowded not to mention, expensive 3rd quarter…
There will be no shortage of wind down in texas… early in the season…
I guess one way to look at it… You can’t make everyone happy… heck I wish all the NCRs were within an 8 hours drive of where I live. Screw everyone else…
but that won’t be happening…
I guess another way to look at it… If no other club stepped up to have the desire to host… the class has to go with the club that wants to host the event and the dates they want to host it.
NCR is a big undertaking…and not all clubs have the manpower or the location to host it…
next sunder will be the second potential fun sail for our local club… pond was soft yesterday… and weather looks pomissing. so maybe next year I’ll get to the NCR…
But, White rock is a place everyone should sail… its a great place. heck even if you go down with winter thumbs… you’ll come home with some warm blood…