2000 uses for WD40

2000 uses for WD40

WD-40 stands for Water Displacent formula #40

kind of like Formula 409…

It’s got 4 uses:

1- Use for lubrication
2- Use as a cleaner.
3- Use to displace water.
4- Gut the can to use as a muffler on your gasoline model boat (4 oz. can.)

Who cares about the 1988 different kinds of nuts & screws you can spray it on? :wink:

and who cares about your opinions on everything:bag::censored::diablo:!?

It’s got 4 uses.

Who cares about the 1988 different kinds of nuts & screws you can spray it on?

and I was pointing 2000 uses…

These guys have way too much spare time… although it was pretty interesting and i did like the one about keeping the pigeons away!