I’m changing my mind all the time here, but have come to the conclusion that I will have to go for carbon, to get the stiffest possible boats, with the skill, knowledge and money that I have available. I will be investing allot of time in the builds, so it would be stupid to not to give it my best.
I will convert my present male mould into a plug to make a female mould, and if the money allows it, I will invest in a vacuum system.
Still have my doubts regarding the composition of the laminate. When building the first boat with my father, it was the first practical encounter with GF and CF, so I bought a little piece of CF 200 gsm twill. I made a cast of the last 230mm of the boat using two layers, and applying a minimum of epoxy. I covered the entire mould surface with epoxy, and laid in the first layer of CF right away, then applied another thin layer of epoxy followed by the last layer of CF. All of this in one work flow (wet in wet).
Attached a picture of the result. It weighs in at 26 g, and full of pinholes. If I compare the volume of the rear 230 mm of my CAD model to the volume of the entire hull, it is around 13%. So if I made the boats like the test, the hull would weigh in at just under 200 g. (Including all the pin holes.) This sounds like an okay result, but then I think I didn’t use epoxy enough for maximum strength.
So I think I will go for a layer of light glass of 50 or 80 gsm on the outside, followed by two layers of carbon of 160 gsm, oriented 90deg and 45 deg. Then hopefully vacuum bag the fucker…
Next question(s): Plain or twill weaves? Is plain weave stiffer/stronger than twill? What are the pros and cons? From my, still very limited, experiences twill seems very easy to shape to our hull shapes, haven’t tried plain weaves, so can’t compare…
Then some other things. I have decided to buy profiled taper masts from TD-models, still have to figure out the exact layout of the cockpit in the mast area. Because the mast is all the way to the cockpit level, I can place the vang low and hopefully gain better control of the big-head mainsail. Se picture…
Then some bad news… Because I’m getting a garage/workshop 1st of mach, “The Home Command”, aka “The Big Boss” aka my girlfriend, has ordered a new kitchen to be installed before I get the key to the workshop. So February will not bring much progress…Will try to get the materials ready for March and hopefully also finish the CAD model, so have no doubts what I have to build when the workshop is ready…
This is all for now…