Making the Footy Class Grow!

Withiout wishing to raise a horny old chestnut any more than necesseary, you mean Internaional Footy Class Association registrations in the United States of America.

There should be at least one Footy regatta in England next year, held in Gosport (handy for visits to HMS Victory). This is basically the baby of Roger Stollery (designer of Choppa and Bug 2: arguably the Father of the Footy!) and the target number of boats is quite high. I hope to arrange another one somewhere in Northern England.

Yes Bruce, we’ll figure something out a little closer to home. I’ll look into what it takes to host an event or Atlanta might be a good spot. It’s only 8 hours away, sheesh.

As has been said “Build it and they will come”. It worked for the Sky Valley Soling 1M fleet which has grown from 1 to 12 in three years. Now we will see if it works for the Footy.

After reading about the Footy in Model Yachting and seeing one closeup during Race Week in San Diego, I decided I had to have one. Following our Soling fleet building formula I would need two so that I always had a “loaner” available to hand over to interested spectators. Being a novice builder, I decided the kit route was the way to go which led me to the Kittiwake fleet discount for three kits. I had a immediate buyer for one and for the 3rd as soon as we had one in the water. So there went my loaner.

We now have two ready for some match racing and the 3rd Kittiwake beginning to build. In addition a Razor is in work. For my “loaner” I bought Brett’s Bob-A-Bout plans and will try my hand at a scratch build. This should give us a base for some fleet racing.

To promote RC Sailing locally we plan a Boat Show/Swap Meet in Nov. where members will be encouraged to display the different classes available. Naturally we will feature the Footy. If there is interest, we may schedule a group build to encourage newcomers.

Now we will see where this goes.

Happy Sailing,

I know Angus has trouble relating, but Atlanta is probably the best site, only 6 hours for me, and if the St Pete boat gets done, only about 7 or 8 for him. There’s already 3 boats in metro Hot-Lanta listed on the Frappr map…


Hello Don,
that is good to hear that the ‘fleet builder discount’ concept is doing it’s job! With the Razor and Bobabout on the water you should be set for some good racing. These seem to be the main three wooden boat designs out there.

The swapmeet/display sounds like an excellent idea. There are several around my neck of the woods but all are 99% aircraft. Here on the frozen tundra that would be a good winter idea.

Great to hear you are having fun and welcome to the Footy Forums…

Graham McA.

Hi Graham-
No frozen tundra down here. After a summer that saw 126 days where the temp reached the triple digits we are ejnjoying the high 80’s. The snowbirds are returning and we are just beginning our peak season for sailing. We’ll see how many we can convince they have room in an RV for a footy.

Happy Sailing,

Let me know when you have your show! I will make a special effort to get over there and bring my Footys. I know that we are close, but I have been working every Sunday since I found out about your club.

Greetings from Atlanta.
Andrew has one or two he is working on, I have three in the building process.
Bill K. has one and planned on several more for his sons.

I think I have several more folks who maybe interested after they see them sail.

Yes, I think Atlanta might be a good site for a Regatta of Footy’s, central to many other Southern States with Highway access.


Our plan is to hold the show in conjunction with the Resort’s monthly street sale the next of which is on Sat.,Nov. 18th, from 08:00 to 12:00. Sat afternoon is also one of our usual sailing days so we will adjourn to the pond following the show. Bring your Footys and we will have an informal fleet race.

Look forward to meeting you.

Happy Sailing,

As a little expat Brit. I know one thing… this USA place is too darned big!

It seems to me that we have every chance of being more pan-american (and international) than many other yacht classes. This is of course a double edged sword but one which we can survive with grass roots enthusiasm I hope. Bringing many ‘local’ events to fruition could be the key and making them grow the longer term aim.

I have raised the idea with my group here in SE Wisconsin and have received no objections. I need to check the situation with our lake, another club do run an annual model day there so I don’t see a real problem. So as I know more I will report further. The plan will be for a regatta open to all rules compliant Footys. The emphasis being on fun and friendship, racing and cruising.
The first ‘Wisconsin Footy Fest’

Sheboygan is… 1 hour from Milwaukee (the home of the WSBA boat club),
3 hours from Chicago (lots of RC sailing going on there… any footys yet?)
2+ hours from Madison (home of an ODOM fleet and a footy or two)
Plus 5 more kittiwakes within 45 min drive so far.

Far from being convenient for everyone like I said… but everywhere has locals :slight_smile: The photomontage shows Wood Lake.

Graham McA

Looks like a very nice regatta pond, Graham. I agree that the key to growth is the local activity, so I encourage you to go for it. Any thoughts on when you might want to hold the regatta? Let me know how I can help you get it going.

Bill H

Thanks Bill. There are of course details to see to here, but I have a good team who can get it done. As to date… maybe May or June time… May can be more windy :rolleyes: With the good weather between May and Oct. we have a decent sized window.

Which gives us the winter to drum up some interest…


Hmmmm! I always wanted to see a Great Lake. And don’t you have a coal-fired steam ship running across Lake Michigan?

Presumably, even at America distances, Sheboygan isn’t all that far from Chicago O’Hare airport ???

Hey Angus… :slight_smile:
We go down to Chicago on occasion, just about 2 1/2 hours from Sheboygan. It’s then pretty easy to get to Milwaukee by coach (airpost door-to-door) and we would pick up there… if you are serious?

You are thinking of the SS Badger which sails from Manitowoc (40 mins north of here) to Luddington. MI. She is a Historic Site in her own right and well worth seeing or better still sailing aboard.

That would mean scheduling after May 12th to have her in steam :slight_smile: The Badger could be our Footy link to Michigan where there is a good deal of model boating activity.

If we can go ahead here I will produce a web page to handle it, this is a good area for maritime interest and the immeadiate Kohler/Sheboygan venue is well served to entertain the rest of the travelling family.


More progress!

The Technical Committe has agreed a policy on rule interpretations that should make life easier for designers and builders. The new policy should be appearing on the Official Footy Class Website shortly.

The Frappr map continues to grow. Put yourself on it if you haven’t already: the more the merrier.

It looks as if a Footy class is being formed in Malta - super place to go for a World Championship!

It also looks as if the UK Chris Dicks Footy design competition (see News on Web Site) may have as many as 7 or 8 entries. Closing date is 19 Nov. Unfortunately, it is only open to UK designs/designers. Naturalisation papers can, however, be hurried through!

Anyone else got anything good to report?

As to the above Angus is a British Citizen in the US allowed… :spin:


Graham - have talked to Roger Stollery. Unfortunately, no!

We have recently had cjwilding and nicmifsud talking about youth projects to build Footys - one in a youth club in England, one in a primary school in Malta (hopefully with government support).

This seems to me a marvellous thing - something that Footys should be about.

Anyone have similar interests - or know anyone who might? TomoHawk, where are your cub scouts?

Anyone want to start a Youth Programme thread?

Angus… a BIG thing here in Wisconsin is ‘4H’. Basically a youth movement based on tending animals and doing wholesome crafts. A good friend of mine has run a group locally teaching RC model flying which did ok but was always costly for the parents! I will talk with him about switching media.

‘4H’ is closely tied to the county shows and the kids all get a chance to show off their projects in special displays over a wekend in late summer typically. Looks like a good movement so I will float a few ideas.


You might even get the local swimming pool dealer to set one up at the fair (with the appropriate advertising signs and such, of course:lol: ) and REALLY crank up some interest.
