Help with Keel placement when increasing chord lenth.

Perhaps I was not clear.

  1. Cut off fin from existing cardboat boat. Make sure you know where clr is in relation to hull (line perpendicualr to waterline)
  2. tape on a new cardboard fin, which is of the profile for your new fin.
  3. Find CLR. If it is not in the right spot, retape it in the direction you want clr to move.

It may take a few pieces of tape to find it, but all will be good.
That will be your answer.


Great, thanks. That’s what I thought, but wanted to confirm.

On this cut-out model to find the CLR, the only thing that is important is the CLR position in relation to a vertical line that runs perpiducular to the water-line… and shouldn’t move fore & Aft in order to achieve the same balance.

Your idea of cutting off the old fin, and taping a new one on is a good quick way to move the keel fore&aft untuil the position where the lines intersect is even with the position where the lines intersect on the “OEM” keel.

If anyone thinks any different please let me know.

So, after some work here’s where we’re at on the project:

No word quite yet if it’s going to work… but we’re getting there.